Can we write unit test for private methods C#?

Yes, don’t unit test private methods…. The idea of a unit test is to test the unit by its public ‘API’. If you are finding you need to test a lot of private behavior, most likely you have a new ‘class’ hiding within the class you are trying to test, extract it and test it by its public interface.

Is it good to practice to unit test private methods?

Unit Tests Should Only Test Public Methods The short answer is that you shouldn’t test private methods directly, but only their effects on the public methods that call them. If an object is hard to test via its public interface, it is going to be hard to use in the production code.

Can NUnit test private methods?

So, NUnit does not provide any mechanism for testing non-public members. Bear in mind you’ll need to modify your BindingFlags if you want to test private static methods. The above example is just for instance methods. A common pattern for writing unit tests is to only test public methods.

How do I test private methods?

From this article: Testing Private Methods with JUnit and SuiteRunner (Bill Venners), you basically have 4 options:

  1. Don’t test private methods.
  2. Give the methods package access.
  3. Use a nested test class.
  4. Use reflection.

Should I test private methods C#?

You definitely need to test it! But, you don’t do so by calling them directly. Instead, you should write your tests so all branches are covered. This is how you test your class to make sure the implementation details are correct.

Why is testing private methods bad?

Testing private methods is a bad idea imo because it makes changing the implementation way harder (what if someday you want to change how you do something, you should be able to change it and run all of your tests and if your new way of doing the thing is correct they should pass, I wouldn’t want to have to change all …

Should I mock private methods?

So – don’t mock your private methods. Use them to understand what you need to test in order to provide good coverage of the functionality that you provide. This is especially true at the unit test level.

Are private methods bad?

Private methods are not necessarily a bad thing to be avoided at all costs. Making private methods public don’t automatically lead to better design; it can also lead to an unnecessary inflated API, weak encapsulation, and increased maintenance overhead.

How do you write a test case for private methods?

So whether you are using JUnit or SuiteRunner, you have the same four basic approaches to testing private methods:

  1. Don’t test private methods.
  2. Give the methods package access.
  3. Use a nested test class.
  4. Use reflection.

Why we use private methods in C#?

Private access specifier allows a class to hide its member variables and member functions from other functions and objects. Only functions of the same class can access its private members. Even an instance of a class cannot access its private members.