Can veterans shop at Navy Exchange?

AAFES, NEX, MCX and CGX online military exchanges are open to veterans. These stores feature tax-free shopping, discounted goods, even a store credit card known as the Military Star Card.

Who can shop at the Naval Exchange?

Who can shop at the Navy Exchange? Currently, all active duty members from all four branches of military service, Guard & Reserve members, military retirees, Medal of Honor recipients, 100% disabled veterans and authorized family members are welcome to shop at the Navy Exchange stores as well as on-line.

Can civilians work at the nex?

No, you do not have to be a US citizen to work for the NEXCOM Enterprise. However, you must have authorization to work in the United States.

Can contractors shop on base?

Starting May 1, 2021, DOD and Coast Guard appropriated fund and nonappropriated fund civilian employees are authorized to shop at military exchange stores in the United States and the U.S. territories and possessions. This shopping access does not include the purchase of military uniforms, tobacco products or alcohol.

Can I use my VA ID to get on base?

Only with a VHIC can the veteran get access to the base. All a veteran has to do is take their VHIC, along with valid state ID, driver’s license or passport, to an installation’s Pass and ID office. If this office isn’t outside the base, call ahead to find out where to go.

Can all veterans use the base exchange?

Starting in 2017 all honorably discharged veterans could shop at the Exchange online, but not on base. And starting January 1, 2020, the Department of Defense expanded those shopping privileges to in-store military exchanges, the commissary and MWR resale facilities.

Can DA civilians use the commissary?

The expansion will allow all DOD and Coast Guard civilian employees to shop in exchange stores in the United States and the U.S. territories and possessions. To learn more about military exchange access, visit the commissaries and exchanges webpage on the Military OneSource website.

Can veterans go on military bases?

Only with a VHIC can the veteran get access to the base. All a veteran has to do is take their VHIC, along with valid state ID, driver’s license or passport, to an installation’s Pass and ID office. It turns out a lot has changed since many veterans left the U.S. military.