Can I visit Isha Yoga Centre?

(Please note that unless this information is sent, we will not be able to accommodate people within the ashram. However, they can visit Dhyanalinga, Linga Bhairavi, Suryakund/Chandrakund – and the two eateries are, of course, available for them to have their meals.

Can I stay in Isha ashram?

Stay: Dhyanalinga and Isha Foundation (where you stay) is around 3 Kms apart. Isha Foundation stay is well maintained, decent, clean and close to nature. They charge around Rs. 750/- for basic standard non a/c room to private cottages which will cost within Rs.

What food is served in Isha Foundation?

We do serve hearty, made-from-scratch vegetarian meals with tastes from all over the world. Because our ashram dining is designed to support those with a regular, classical yoga and meditation practice, we are on a two-meal/ day schedule. We have a 10-11am brunch, fruit and juice at 2pm, and 7-8pm is dinner.

How can I visit Isha Foundation?

To find out more about Sadhguru, Isha and programs, events, and activities you can participate in at Isha Yoga Center, please visit The first step is to create a profile on and submit a visit request. This will also allow you to request programs and accommodation.

Where can I stay for free in India?

10 Volunteering Organisations That Let You Stay For Free AND Earn Some Good Karma

  • Salaam Baalak Trust, Delhi.
  • Willing Workers on Organic Farms, Throughout India.
  • LEDEG (Ladakh Ecological Development Group), Ladakh.
  • Human Wave, Kolkata.
  • Sadhana Forest, Auroville.

Is Isha Foundation free of cost?

There is no entry fee and there is Overseas help desk to facilitate your needs. Isha yoga center holds this magnificent spiritual Dhyanalinga – located 40 km from Coimbatore airport.

Where is the Isha Yoga Center in Coimbatore located?

The Isha Yoga Center is situated 30 kilometres (20 miles) west of Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. It is located on 150 acres of land at the foothills of the Velliangiri Mountains. Airlines are available to Coimbatore from Chennai, Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore.

What does the Isha Foundation do in India?

Isha Outreach. Isha’s outreach projects go beyond charity and work to rejuvenate the spirit of India’s rural people. They offer more than just administrative or economic support and are based on a well-defined plan to revive the human spirit.

Where is the Isha Institute of Inner sciences located?

Headquartered at the Isha Yoga Center, South India and Isha Institute of Inner-sciences, USA, Isha Foundation is supported by over 2 million volunteers and 200 centers worldwide, and is active in Asia, the Americas, Europe, Africa and Australia.

Who is the founder of Isha Yoga Center?

Isha Foundation is a non-profit spiritual organisation. It was founded by Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev in1992. The Isha yoga centre, situated in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu is the headquarters of Isha foundation. The foundation is run by more than nine million volunteers around the world.