Can I use a regular rivet gun for rivet nuts?

If you have a rivet gun that has the proper insert dies to accommodate the rivnuts then you can. Otherwise you will have to purchase a rivet gun that contains the rivnut inserts that you choose to use. Each rivnut requires a tool die set to utilize them.

Do you need a rivet nut tool?

To install rivet nuts without a tool, you will still need more than just your bare hands. You will also need a bolt that 1) has its own nut, and 2) can fit into the rivet nut. You should also have a washer or larger bushing that can fit around the bolt fairly tight.

How much weight can a rivet nut hold?

The cell holds up to 35 gallons. The fuel cell weighs roughly 225 pounds when full. I have been at some pretty crazy angles off road with fuel in the tank and have had zero issues. I have faith in my rivnuts, but I used a quality tool for installation.

What is a rivet nut tool?

A Rivet Nut Gun, or Rivnut® Gun, is a tool used to install a Rivnut®, or rivet nut fastener. The pulling mechanism inside the tool engages the internal threads of the fastener to exert a pull, which causes the rivet nut shank to expand/upset against the blindside of the material that it is being fastened.

Do rivet nuts work in wood?

Uses. Standard rivet nuts must be used with through holes in harder materials such as steel or aluminum and do not work as well in softer materials like wood or plastic.

Are rivet nuts good?

Rivet nuts are easy-to-install, reliable fasteners that can provide strong load-bearing threads into weak or thin gauge materials such as castings, housings, panels, tubes, and extrusions. Additionally, because of their wide grip range tolerance, rivet nuts can be installed into a variety of material thicknesses.

How strong are Plusnuts?

In terms of strength, Plusnuts have a high “pull out strength” (1,215 pounds), and so offer a more secure attachment than simply screwing into the van walls (less than 100 pounds).

Are rivet nuts strong?

Rivet nuts are becoming more and more popular every year. Their ease of use, high shear and tension strength, and lightning fast installation times are upgrades over traditional bolt and nut, and weld nut applications. A main strength of rivet nuts are that, just like with traditional rivets, they are blind.

What can I use instead of rivets?

Nuts and bolts They are available in a range of sizes to suit a variety of applications. Nuts and bolts can be tightened to a particular degree of pressure to suit the application you are working on, unlike rivets that are simply installed to fit the width of material they are holding.

What’s the best way to install a rivet nut?

With your DIY tool assembled in the order described above, thread it into the insert until it bottoms out. Put a wrench on the oversized nut to prevent it from spinning and a socket on the bolt head. Now, while holding the box wrench, start tightening the bolt.

How do you put a RIVNUT in a bolt?

Rivnuts are great. Except for the cost of the installation tool. However, a DIY tool can be made pretty darn easily. A nut that fits the bolt. A piece of 1/8″ flatbar steel 1″ x 8″. In the steel, drill a hole in the end the same size as the bolt. Drill the hole for the rivnut and insert it into the sheet metal.

How to make a RIVNUT out of sheet metal?

How to assemble it 1 Drill the hole for the rivnut and insert it into the sheet metal. 2 Put the nut on the bolt 3 Place the piece of steel over the bolt 4 Screw it into the assembly into the rivnut 5 Snug it up so that the bolt is through the rivnut, then the nut snugs up the steel to the rivnut

What was the original purpose of rivet nuts?

This handy little fastener was developed by BF Goodrich in 1936 to mount rubber de-icing boots to the leading edge of aircraft wings. Initially they were sold under the trademark name RIVNUT®, but today you’ll find various brands in numerous shapes and sizes as a type of blind fastener.