Can I play a song and get the name?

Shazam will identify any song in seconds. Discover artists, lyrics, videos & playlists, all for free. Over 1 billion installs and counting!

How do you find a song if you only know the tune?

On your mobile device, open the latest version of the Google app or find your Google Search widget, tap the mic icon and say “what’s this song?” or click the “Search a song” button. Then start humming for 10-15 seconds. On Google Assistant, it’s just as simple. Say “Hey Google, what’s this song?” and then hum the tune.

How do you find a song name?

To find the name of a song, you must visit the website, then type a few words you can recall in the search bar. A drop-down selection will automatically appear as you do this. A “Best Result” will appear which will have the nearest match to your query.

How do you identify a song?

Identify Song by singing it to the App/Service. This is probably the most convenient option to identify a song. All you need to do is sing the lyrics of the song in front of your PC microphone, and the tool will identify the song. If you don’t know the exact lyrics, you can also just hum or whistle the song.

How do you find song by its lyrics?

Go to the website. Choose “Lyrics” as your search option. Type in the lyrics for the song you want to find the name of into the “Search” box. Click the “Search” button and the site generates a list of song names that contain the lyrics you typed into the “Search” box.

How do you find the genre of a song?

Songs that share patterns can be grouped in a genre that describes those patterns. You can find these patterns in any music dynamic: rhythm, speed, progression, key, instrumentation, whatever. You determine the genre of a song by identifying these patterns, and associating them with the description of a genre.