Can anyone make edits on Wikipedia?

Wikipedia is a wiki, meaning anyone can edit nearly any page and improve articles immediately. You do not need to register to do this, and anyone who has edited is known as a Wikipedian or editor. Small edits add up, and every editor can be proud to have made Wikipedia better for all.

Can I get in trouble for editing Wikipedia?

It is not a criminal act to vandalise Wikipedia. However, it is against the site’s terms of use to vandalise or otherwise cause disruption. Vandals are blocked from editing, and may also be further banned according to the terms of use.

How much does it cost to edit a Wikipedia page?

Cost can range anywhere from $250 to $3,000; however, most Wikipedia articles fall within the $400 to $800 range. Note there is a minimum charge of $150 for any editing, including minor edits. We advise everyone to reach out to obtain an accurate quote.

What are the rules for editing Wikipedia?


  • 1 Rule 1. Register an account.
  • 2 Rule 2. Learn the five pillars.
  • 3 Rule 3. Be bold, but not reckless.
  • 4 Rule 4. Know your audience.
  • 5 Rule 5. Do not infringe copyright.
  • 6 Rule 6. Cite, cite, cite.
  • 7 Rule 7. Avoid self-promotion (shameless or otherwise)
  • 8 Rule 8. Share your expertise, but don’t argue from authority.

What happens if you lie on Wikipedia?

Regardless of how Wikipedia editors lie or their reasons for lying, lying harms the quality of the encyclopedia, as it can lead to incorrect or biased information in articles. Lying is also harmful to the online Wikipedia community which edits and develops the encyclopedia.

Can anyone have a Wikipedia?

Anyone can create a Wikipedia user account and write an article, on any topic whatsoever. Wikipedia, however, would prefer that topic not be “Myself.” It’s right there, clearly stated in their terms of service. Wikipedia entries are like wedding showers. Let’s stop talking about weddings.)

Can I make my own Wikipedia page?

To create a new page, all you need to do is create an account on Wikipedia, and then add your new article. While only registered and signed-in users can create pages, anyone can modify a page, and the edits are simply attributed to their IP address.

Can you lie on Wikipedia?

Editors should not make false statements on Wikipedia. Regardless of how Wikipedia editors lie or their reasons for lying, lying harms the quality of the encyclopedia, as it can lead to incorrect or biased information in articles. False information in Wikipedia articles hurts the reputation of the encyclopedia.

Do people lie on Wikipedia?

Wikipedia is not a reliable source for citations elsewhere on Wikipedia. Because it can be edited by anyone at any time, any information it contains at a particular time could be vandalism, a work in progress, or just plain wrong. Edits on Wikipedia that are in error are usually fixed after some time.