Are lantern slides valuable?

The train itself should probably retail in the $4 to $8 range, but the Edison could bring as much as $75 to $100. The remaining lot of early 20th-century slides is probably worth only $75 to $100 at retail — unless there are some interesting examples and views of which we are not aware.

What is slide and lantern?

a glass sheet with a painted or photographic image used, especially in the past, to produce a larger image by shining light through it in a machine called a magic lantern: Lantern slides of each image were made, and projected on a screen. Training aids were developed such as veterinary lantern slide sets.

What were lantern slides used for?

Lantern slides were used for home entertainment and public lectures, and they were displayed in photographic exhibitions. Alfred Stieglitz made lantern slides throughout the 1890s.

How old are glass slides?

B&W slides on glass were produced from 1850 to the 1950s, but their use persisted for decades thereafter. They were developed from glass negatives to produce a positive image that could be viewed using a magic lantern or stereoscopic viewer.

What size are magic lantern slides?

The magic lantern slides that were used in those large magic lanterns mostly had the format 8.2 x 8.2 cm or 8.2 x 10 cm. Those slides could not be simply placed in the slide holder of the lantern. A wooden slide carrier was needed to place the slides and exchange them.

How do lantern slides work?

Using the collodion process, lantern slides were created either by printing negatives exposed in a camera onto another negative (thus producing a positive for projection) or by exposing a sensitized glass negative directly in the camera and developing it in such a way as to produce a positive.

When was lantern slides invented?

History. Lantern slides first originated in the 17th century and consisted of hand-painted illustrations on glass that were projected with light to be used as a form of storytelling. It was not until 1849, ten years after the invention of photography that photographic lantern slides were introduced.

How do you scan old glass slides?

Scan preparations

  1. Wear cotton gloves when placing the glass slides.
  2. Remove dust particles from the slides with a blower, followed by a soft brush (only when needed).
  3. Place the slides in the scan holder with the emulsion side facing the scanner glass plate to get the best scan results (“emulsion down”).

Is it possible to scan magic lantern slides?

Yes, we can scan the Magic Lantern slides. Magic Lantern slides require extra work to get them to scan properly and therefore we have to charge more than our regular scanning fee. They must be the flat glass encased slides and not the type with the wooden frames.

What does it mean to make a lantern slide?

In the world of magic lanterns we specifically mean the application of this process while making a lantern slide by transferring an image to a square or oblong piece of glass. The technique was used by professional slide makers, but enjoyed a vogue among amateurs too.

When did the first magic lantern slides come out?

Magic Lantern Slides can be dated back to the mid 1600s. The slides and slide shows continued to be popular into the 20th century and were the precursors of the modern slide projectors. In the early years of the twentieth century glass lantern slides were a popular form of entertainment, known as “magic lantern” exhibitions.

How big is a Peck and Snyder magic lantern slide?

Magic Lantern slides came in several sizes. The Peck and Snyder Co. slides measured 4.5 by 7 inches. “English pattern” slides were 3.5 by 3.5 inches, “French pattern” slides were 3.25 by 4 inches, and the “standard European size” was 3.25 by 3.25 inches. Another standard size was: 7-1/8″ x 2″ x 1/16″