Can you grow passion fruit in a greenhouse?

Unfortunately our climate is less than tropical and also frost prone so we’re growing our Passionfruit vine in our big greenhouse. It is possible to help a Passionfruit vine along in the fertilisation stakes.

Can you grow passion fruit indoors?

Both exotic looking and easy to care for, the passion flower (Passiflora incarnata) is one of the most interesting flowering vines around. This tropical vine can be easily grown indoors to create a beautiful tropical setting.

How long does it take for passion fruit to bear fruit?

12 to 18 months
Passion fruit typically takes 12 to 18 months to bear fruit, so if you plant your seed or seedling in early spring it should be ready to harvest by early summer or fall of the following year. If you live in a tropical climate, the plants will flower and fruit year-round.

How do you grow golden passionfruit?

They need a warm, sunny, sheltered spot with fertile soil and regular water to thrive. Plant a passionfruit vine between spring to early autumn and provide it with a wall or framework to climb on. Passionfruit thrive in subtropical and temperate regions.

Is passion fruit worth growing?

These are vigorous plants that will climb to the treetops and explode in colorful blossoms and plentiful fruit. Even though they’re easy to grow, these plants need lots of water, nutrients, and pruning. But the harvest is well worth it!

What grows well next to passionfruit?


Common name Scientific name Helped by
Passion fruit Passiflora edulis Potatoes, beets, Swiss chard, carrots, spinach, strawberries, eggplants, onions, leeks, lettuce
Pears Pyrus spp. “Aromatic plants”
Strawberries Fragaria × ananassa Caraway, bush beans, lupin, onions, sage, thyme, borage

Is passion fruit easy to grow?

So passionfruit vines need fertile soils, probably additional fertiliser, and they appreciate all the compost and mulch you can spare. They also need full sun, a warm climate, and protection from wind. However, the warmer the climate, the easier it is to grow passionfruit. Passionfruit need something to climb over.

How often do you water a passion vine?

Passionflowers should be given a deep watering immediately after planting. Beyond that, they typically thrive with one or two waterings per week throughout their growing season. Make sure to provide about 1 inch to 1.5 inches of water every week if there is no rain because they do not handle drought well.

What is the lifespan of a passionfruit vine?

about six to seven years
Passionfruit are one of the most popular garden plants. They can also be one of the trickiest to grow because they have a short lifespan – usually about six to seven years. For this reason, it’s a good idea to plant a succession of passionfruit.

Do passionfruit vines need full sun?

The passionfruit vine is a strong, vigorous, evergreen climber, and it originated in South America. A great spot for a passionfruit vine is one that’s out in the open, has full sun and no trees or competitive roots. Grow it on a structure like a strong trellis.

Is Seasol good for passionfruit?

Fertilise your plant with seasol or granular fertilizer approximately every 6-8 weeks. Hand-pollinate your passionfruit to encourage the fruiting process. If you’re planting a purple variety, do so in spring so it has time to grow stronger before the winter chill sets in.

How much space does a passionfruit vine need?

Fast growing passionfruit vines are useful for creating quick screening on a fence or shading over a pergola, shed or chicken coup. Supporting structures need to be solid to handle the weight of the vines. To make your own, put up two posts, 2m high and 6-7m apart and in a north south direction.

Can a passion fruit plant grow in a cold climate?

Passion fruit can be grown and will thrive in subtropical and temperate regions. In fact, passion fruit grows so easily, it will adapt to almost any temperature as long as frost does not reach it! Remember to grow purple passion fruit in cooler climates, and golden passion fruit in tropical and subtropical climates.

How long does it take for passion fruit to grow?

Freshly harvested passion fruit seeds germinate quickly, but older, dry seeds can take months to germinate if they grow at all. A few days before you intend to plant the seed, buy ripe passion fruit from the store.

Where does a passion fruit tree grow in the world?

Passiflora edulis is a species of a passion flower vine that is native to northern Argentina and Southern Brazil. The passion fruit tree mainly grows in tropical and subtropical areas, but surprisingly, will also grow almost anywhere as long as temperatures do not drop below freezing.

What kind of soil do you need to grow passion fruit?

Amend the soil. Passion fruit needs light, deep soil that contains plenty of organic material. The stuff in your yard probably is not of high enough quality to do the trick on its own, so you’ll need to make a few improvements before you can plant either seeds or vines.