What does the abbreviation for KYS?

kill yourself
KYS is an internet acronym standing for “kill yourself,” used as a taunt or form of harassment issued after someone has done something considered embarrassing or pathetic.

What does Oou mean in text?

Order of Use. OOU. Out of Uniform. OOU. Owners of You (gaming clan)

What is the meaning of LF?

LF means “Looking for.”

What does KYYS mean?

Second Definition for KYS

Definition: Keep Yourself Safe
Type: Abbreviation
Guessability: 4: Difficult to guess
Typical Users: Adults and Teenagers

What does kts stand for?


Acronym Definition
KTS Knots (plural of knot, 1 nautical mile per hour)
KTS Kiitos (Finnish)
KTS Knowledge Tracking System
KTS Key Telephone System

What is the full form of KMS?


Definition : Key Management Service
Category : Computing » Software & Applications
Country/ Region : Worldwide
Popularity :

What does it mean when a girl says OUU?

The word ‘ouuuu’ is designed to sound similar to the exclamation ‘ooh’ or ‘ooh! ‘, usually uttered when a person comes across something they find interesting or appealing. It generally has a positive connotation to it, as whoever has sent ‘ouuuu’ is displaying interest or approval at what you’ve said.

What is JF and LF?

Basically, it helps identify each entry in the ledger account. The journal folio (JF), on the other hand, is the page number of your journal. The LF will be the page number of a ledger account, such as 1, 20, 40 and so on. It’s usually listed next to the journal folio number in the Folio column.

What MF means?

MF can stand for many things: mutual friends, Millennium Falcon, mezzo forte, mad flow, and medium frequency, to name a few.

What does kts mean in texting?


Acronym Definition
KTS Kill the Spams (email filter)
KTS Brevig Mission, Alaska (Airport Code)
KTS Key Telephone Set
KTS Kiss the Stone Records

What does KKS mean?


Acronym Definition
KKS King Kool Savas (German rapper)
KKS Kompletna Krvna Slika (Croatian: Complete Blood Picture)
KKS Kesselprüf und Korrosionsschutz GmbH
KKS Kraftwerks-Kennzeichen-System