What plant do you get ephedrine?

Ephedrine, a precursor of methamphetamine, is the active alkaloid of the plant Ephedra vulgaris, which has been used in China for centuries as the herb Ma Huang.

How much ephedrine is in ephedra?

Of the six ephedrine-type ingredients found in ephedra (at concentrations of 0.02-3.4%), the most common are ephedrine and pseudoephedrine, which are the sources of its stimulant and thermogenic effects.

Can I grow ephedra?

HOW CAN YOU GROW EPHEDRA? Ephedra can be grown and processed at home using our high-quality Ma Huang seeds. Growing Ephedra is not particularly difficult or time-consuming. It is recommended to plant Ephedra in the spring, since it prefers warmth, but it can also tolerate cold and frost.

Where does ephedra plant grow?

There are 40 known ephedra species distributed among the arid and semiarid regions of Asia, Europe, northern Africa, western North America, and South America. They can grow from sea level up to 5,000 meters high in the Himalayan and Andes mountains.

What type of drug is ephedra?

What is Ephedrine and how is it used? Ephedrine is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of low blood pressure during anesthesia (Hypotension). Ephedrine may be used alone or with other medications. Ephedrine belongs to a class of drugs called Alpha/Beta Adrenergic Agonists.

How much ephedra is in ma-huang?

Ma-huang is a traditional Chinese medicinal herb derived from EPHEDRA: sinica Stapf and other EPHEDRA: species, used to treat asthma, nose and lung congestion, and fever with anhidrosis. It contains 0.5-2.5% by weight of total alkaloids, of which ephedrine accounts for 30 to 90%.

How do you grow ephedra Nevadensis?

Plant the seeds around 68°F. Grow indoors or in a warm and dry climate, free of frost. It thrives in ordinary loamy soil and does very well in a loose rocky soil with full sun and a little water. It is most often propagated by division of the clumps in spring, and seeds sown in a light sandy soil in early spring.

Where can I find ephedra plants?

How do you harvest ephedra?

Harvest and dry your own ephedra in early spring. Just remember that moderation is key. Another use is to finely grind ephedra twigs and use in an exfoliating skin wash. The plant is relatively high in silica, a compound used to make glass.

Where does ephedra grow?

What is the best replacement for ephedrine?

One of our best reviewed ephedra products that we recommend as an amazing alternative to prescription ephedrine is called Stimamine Black. Stimamine Black contains 50 mg of ephedra extract (ephedrine replacement) and is great for both weight loss and energy.

Is Ephedra banned substance in diet pills?

Well, the ban prohibits the sale of Ephedra Diet Pills that contain ephedra alkaloids or ma huang. Since, there are several varieties of Ephedra Specie Plants, Ephedra Diet Pills are still able to be formulated, manufactured and sold in the United States. The 2006 ban was strictly on Ephedra Alkaloid Based Products only.

Is Ephedra a narcotic?

Ephedrine is used for temporary relief of shortness of breath, chest tightness, and wheezing due to bronchial asthma. Ephedrine may also be used for other conditions as determined by your doctor. Ephedrine is a decongestant and bronchodilator. It works by reducing swelling and constricting blood vessels in…

Are real Ephedra diet pills still banned?

The FDA’s ban on ephedra officially takes effect today. In February, the agency announced that it would prohibit the sale of any dietary supplement containing ephedra in the U.S. due to the risk of illness or injury.