What is the main philosophy behind portfolio assessment?

The main philosophy embedded in portfolio assessment is “Shared and active assessment”. The teacher should have short individual meetings with each students, in which progress is discuss and goals are set for a future meeting .

What is the purpose of a portfolio assessment?

Portfolio assessment enables students to reflect their real performance, to show their weak and strong domain and to observe student’s progress during the learning process, and encourages students to take responsibilities for their own learning.

How do you assess portfolio assessment?

Suggested steps:

  1. Determine the purpose of the portfolio.
  2. Identify the learning outcomes the portfolio will address.
  3. Decide what students will include in their portfolio.
  4. Identify or develop the scoring criteria (e.g., a rubric) to judge the quality of the portfolio.

How do you create a strong portfolio assessment?

What are the three primary features of portfolio assessment?

Three main factors guide the design and development of a portfolio: 1) purpose, 2) assessment criteria, and 3) evidence (Barton & Collins, 1997). The primary concern in getting started is knowing the purpose that the portfolio will serve.

How do you use portfolio assessment?

4. Using portfolios in assessment

  1. Determine the purpose of the portfolio.
  2. Identify the learning outcomes the portfolio will address.
  3. Decide what students will include in their portfolio.
  4. Identify or develop the scoring criteria (e.g., a rubric) to judge the quality of the portfolio.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of portfolio assessment?

What are the pros and cons of portfolio assessment?

  • Pro: Individual Talents. Every student in a class has individual talents; some students may thrive in the area of composition while others do better with audiovisual presentations.
  • Pro: Progressive Assessment.
  • Con: Grading Challenges.
  • Con: Timing Issues.

What is meant by portfolio assessment?

A portfolio assessment can be an examination of student-selected samples of work experiences and documents related to outcomes being assessed, and it can address and support progress toward achieving academic goals, including student efficacy. …