Can strictures of the esophagus be cured?

Strictures are most often treated by esophageal dilation. This procedure is used to widen the esophageal passageway by stretching the opening. Your doctor may use long plastic or rubber cylinders of different sizes to open the stricture, or a balloon dilator may also be inflated to accomplish the same thing.

What is caustic esophageal stricture?

Chronic complications of caustic ingestion include stricture formation, gastric outlet obstruction and malignant transformation. Patients with esophageal strictures usually complain of dysphagia and substernal pressure, and may become symptomatic 3 wk or later after ingestion.

Does Barrett’s esophagus cause stricture?

Inflammation and resultant fibrosis may lead to an esophageal stricture, often at the upper end of the Barrett’s esophagus. Most patients with Barrett’s esophagus have a history of heartburn and acid regurgitation.

How many times can you have your esophagus stretched?

In some cases, your esophagus can be stretched enough in one procedure. If it needs to be stretched a good bit, however, your doctor may want to perform this gradually over multiple procedures. If your esophagus was narrowed due to GERD, you may be prescribed acid-reducing medication to help prevent a recurrence.

What is an example of a caustic substance?

However, some common household products, including drain and toilet bowl cleaners and some dishwasher detergents, contain damaging caustic substances, such as sodium hydroxide and sulfuric acid. Caustic substances (strong acids and alkalis), when swallowed, can burn the tongue, mouth, esophagus, and stomach.

Do esophageal strictures get worse over time?

However, persistent tightness that worsens over time may be the result of esophageal stricture. Conditions such as gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) may cause damage to the esophageal tissue over time, resulting in a buildup of scar tissue that makes swallowing progressively more difficult.

Is it painful to have your esophagus stretched?

Little discomfort or pain. Effective at relieving esophageal stricture. Side effects are usually minimal (such as a sore throat) One procedure is usually all that’s needed.

How are strictures of the esophagus treated?

How are esophageal strictures treated? Esophageal dilation is the most common treatment for strictures. Your provider uses a balloon or dilator (a long plastic or rubber cylinder) to widen the narrow area of the esophagus. What happens during esophageal dilation?

What causes a narrowing of the esophageal tube?

If the esophageal lining repeatedly becomes inflamed, scarring can result, which can cause a narrowing (stricture) of the tube. It may be difficult for food to pass through the stricture, and it may become impacted, or stuck, causing chest and abdominal pain. Most cases of esophageal stricture are caused by gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

What foods should you avoid with benign esophageal stricture?

You should also avoid foods that cause acid reflux, such as: spicy foods fatty foods carbonated beverages chocolate coffee and caffeinated products tomato-based foods citrus products

How are balloon dilators used for esophageal strictures?

If you have GERD, you may receive medication that makes your body produce less acid. Then your provider inserts an endoscope down your throat and into your esophagus. The goal of the procedure is to insert either: A balloon to stretch the area. Plastic or rubber dilators of bigger and bigger sizes to stretch the area.