Can you have 3 co-first authors?

Only one of the authors will appear as first author, in any publication. Every other entry is a secondary entry. However, corresponding authors could be as many as three depending on the multi-disciplinary nature of the article.

Can a paper have 3 corresponding authors?

Yes, you can. An article can have more than one corresponding author. Elsevier allowed me to do this in my previous accepted manuscript. ” While some journals allow the practice of including two contact authors or corresponding authors, many journals do not.

How do you list co-first authors?

Traditionally, co-first authors are indicated by an asterisk and the order of the individuals is the decision of the PI. Once the paper is published, it appears in print as follows: co-Author 1*, co-Author 2*, Author 3, and Author 4.

Are co-first authors?

Shared co-first authorship is defined as two or more authors who have worked together on a publication and contributed equally [8]. Some journals publish articles in which shared coauthorship is described, making it easy to determine author contribution.

Can there be two second authors?

The corresponding author can be the second author or the third author or even the last author. There are many replies. However, before starting any research work, the authors order question must be addressed. If two authors equally contributed, it needs to be negotiated who goes first.

Is corresponding author better than first author?

Corresponding author is the most important author in a research article. First author is the person who makes largest contribution in the research. The most important one. Corresponding author is the person who takes responsibility of answering all queries.

Is first author or corresponding author better?

First author is usually the student /researcher who has undertaken the research work. Corresponding author is usually the senior author who provides the intellectual input and designs and approves the protocols to be followed in the study.

How do you list two first authors?

If authors regard it as essential to indicate that two or more co-authors are equal in status, they may be identified by an asterisk symbol with the caption ‘These authors contributed equally to this work’ immediately under the address list.

Are co first authors listed alphabetically?

No, “A” has no right to require alphabetical ordering. The editor will not care, because how would he even know that “B” was supposed to be a co-first author?

What is the difference between first author and co first author?

First author is usually the student /researcher who has undertaken the research work. He /She is responsible for doing the research practically along with the co-authors who might assist him/ her in the research work or might be the colleagues from the same work group.

What are co-authors?

A co-author is any person who has made a significant contribution to a journal article. They also share responsibility and accountability for the results. If more than one author writes an article, you’ll choose one person to be the corresponding author.

How many co-first authors are there in a paper?

Full disclosure: I shared co-first authorship with two other authors on one of my papers (there were five authors total) and the listed order of the three first authors was literally determined by drawing from a deck of cards. Join ResearchGate to ask questions, get input, and advance your work.

When to use co first author on CV?

In science, ask co-first authors whether they switch the author biline on their CV and the line in the sand might not be as clear. This week we’ll be continuing our recent publication-themed discussion by focusing on the one of the more polarizing topics in publishing: co-first authorship.

What’s the deal with co first / equal authorship on papers?

Co-First/Equal authorship is when two or more individuals are noted as providing the same or equal contribution(s) to a published work. To find this information in a full text or PDF article, first locate the article in PubMed (or another database ), link to the publisher’s site…

What does it mean to have shared first authorship?

Shared co-first authorship is defined as two or more authors who have worked together on a publication and contributed equally [8]. This equal contribution is often indicated in the fine print of a published paper or in an investigator’s curriculum vitae [9].