What is a CCG formulary?

These formularies are a list of medicines and dietary products, which have been approved for use by the Ipswich and East Suffolk Clinical Commissioning Group Medicines Management Team. Wherever possible practices should prescribe within formulary.

What is CCG medicine?

Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) commission most of the hospital and community NHS services in the local areas for which they are responsible. Commissioning involves deciding what services are needed for diverse local populations, and ensuring that they are provided.

What is a local formulary?

A local formulary is the output of processes to support the managed introduction, utilisation or withdrawal of healthcare treatments within a local healthcare system, service or organisation.

What is a trust formulary?

The formulary is a list of medicines stocked by the Royal Free pharmacy which have been approved by the committee for prescribing within the hospital. All drugs are assessed by the committee for their efficacy, safety, cost-effectiveness and convenience prior to being approved for use within the trust.

What is CCG funding?

CCG funds are allocated with the aim of improving all aspects of community care. Funds are used to improve services that are accessed by all members of the local area, so projects need to have a wide-reaching impact on all visitors.

How many CCGs are there?

There are more than 200 CCGs altogether commissioning care for an average of 226,000 people each.

How is a formulary created?

A drug formulary is a list of generic and brand-name prescription drugs covered by a health plan. The health plan generally creates this list by forming a pharmacy and therapeutics committee consisting of pharmacists and physicians from various medical specialties.

What is an NHS formulary?

The Department of Health is dedicated to ensuring that patients and service users have access to recommended medicines and medical devices. These are collected into lists, called formularies, by local NHS organisations.

What is a hospital formulary?

In its simplest form, the formulary is a list of medications available for use at a hospital or health-system. This list includes the dosage forms, strengths and package sizes of each of the medications on it. Diligent management of this list has both patient care and financial implications.

What is the meaning of CCG?

Clinical commissioning groups
Clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) were established as part of the Health and Social Care Act in 2012, and replaced Primary Care Trusts on 1 April 2013. CCGs are groups of general practices (GPs) which come together in each area to commission the best services for their patients and population.

What is the aim of a CCG?

The aim of CCGs is to give GPs, other local clinicians and patients the power to influence commissioning decisions.

What does formulary mean for coastal West Sussex?

The Coastal West Sussex local health economy formulary is the output of processes to support the managed introduction, utilisation or withdrawal of healthcare treatments in Coastal West Sussex.

What are the formularies for East Sussex CCG?

We use two different formularies within East Sussex: Suitable for non-specialist initiation. For drugs that do not require significant drug monitoring or where required monitoring is on-going by the specialist.

Who are NHS West Sussex Clinical Commissioning Group?

About West Sussex CCG NHS West Sussex Clinical Commissioning Group is a GP led statutory NHS body responsible for commissioning the majority of health services for local people. We are responsible for the health of our entire local population in West Sussex (over 860,000 people), and are measured by how much we improve health outcomes.

Why do we need CCG for NHS West Sussex?

We want to understand what it has been like for people to receive their vaccination; particularly if anyone has experienced difficulties accessing their appointment and what we could do to support people to access their vaccinations. Read more of our news.