Can you grow crape myrtle in a container?

Crape Myrtle trees grow well in pots or planter boxes and they will live for many years in a large pot. Make sure the container you choose has drainage holes, this is vital. Make sure your container is large enough for there to be soil beneath and around the root-ball.

What time of year do you plant a crape myrtle?

Late fall to early spring is the best time to plant. But a lot of folks buy and plant their crepe myrtle in summer because they select it while it is blooming. That works too, but watering well during the summer months is crucial to transitioning it into your garden.

How deep should you plant a crepe myrtle?

Dig a hole three to four times as wide as the container. You want to make it easy for the plant’s roots to grow outward. The hole should not be deeper than the height of the container.

What trees are suitable for pots?

Discover some of the best trees to grow in pots and containers, below.

  • Apple (Malus domestica)
  • Flowering dogwood (Cornus florida f.
  • Italian cypress (Cupressus sempervirens)
  • Japanese maple (Acer palmatum)
  • Snowy mespilus (Amelanchier lamarckii)
  • Olive (Olea europaea)
  • Persian silk tree (Albizia julibrissin)

Can you keep a crepe myrtle tree small?

So, in conclusion, crapemyrtles trees are usually grown as small trees with 3 to 5 trunks that are kept free of small limbs up on the lower part of the tree (up to 2/3 of the height).

What is the best fertilizer for crepe myrtle trees?

Use 8-8-8, 10-10-10, 12-4-8, or 16-4-8 fertilizer. A granular product works well for crape myrtle. Take care not to overfertilize. Too much food for crape myrtles makes them grow more foliage and less flowers.

Do crepe myrtles need a lot of water?

For best growth and production, crape myrtles should receive at least one inch of water a week. During dry spells, water is mandatory. If not properly watered during dry spells, flowers may be mitigated.

How long can trees stay in pots?

As long as you have a sufficiently large pot, the tree can live up to eight or nine years in it. Keep the pot in full sun. The pot should have ample drainage holes and be propped up on blocks to ensure the holes are not obstructed.

What small trees grow well in containers?

When to plant crepe myrtles?

Planting Times. Crape myrtles are normally planted when dormant, in the fall, late winter or early spring. In mild winter climates where the shrub is only occasionally exposed to frosts and freezing temperatures, the crape myrtle may be planted at any time that the ground can be worked. In colder climates, however, it’s best to wait until spring,…

What grows well with crepe myrtles?

Perennials that grow lower than dwarf crepe myrtles are also an option. The iris and the daylily make perfect companions for the crepe myrtle. As an extra tip, you could use ornamental grasses in between these different types of shrubs and perennials.

How long does a crapemyrtle take to grow?

The largest crapemyrtles are usually single-trunk types. They are trained to grow as trees and can reach heights of over 40 feet, although most average between 20 and 30 feet. It takes these trees between 10 and 20 years or longer to grow to maturity.

When to prune crepe myrtle trees?

When To Prune Crepe Myrtle Trees: Crepe Myrtle Pruning should ideally be done after the last frost of winter. Around our area that usually takes place in mid-April. Unlike other flowering trees, Crepe Myrtle blooms do not grow off of last year’s growth.