Is Clojure a functional language?

Clojure is a functional programming language. It provides the tools to avoid mutable state, provides functions as first-class objects, and emphasizes recursive iteration instead of side-effect based looping.

What is Clojure good for?

Clojure is being used extensively for processing large volumes of data. It is very well suited to data mining/commercial-AI (ie: Runa) and large scale predictions (aka WeatherBill). Clojure’s concurrency story really helps in these data heavy domains where parallel processing is simply the only answer.

Why did Rich Hickey the creator of Clojure choose to implement the language on the JVM?

#2 Java Interoperability The creator of the language Rich Hickey has a very pragmatic and strategic reason for writing Clojure on JVM. As it was written on JVM, Clojure gives access to all available Java (or any JVM language) libraries and their frameworks. So you can call Java code from Clojure code, or vice versa.

Why was Clojure created?

Rich Hickey developed Clojure because he wanted a modern Lisp for functional programming, symbiotic with the established Java platform, and designed for concurrency. For this purpose, Clojure provides several mutable reference types, each having well-defined semantics for the transition between states.

Does Clojure have types?

Typed Clojure supports local type inference similar to Scala. Annotations are required for top-level vars, complicated macros, and loop/function parameters, while many other things can be inferred, like local let bindings, including nested destructuring and function return types.

Who uses Clojure?

Who uses Clojure

Company Type of applications
Cisco Malware analysis & threat intelligence platform (expert system with core.logic)
Deuche Bank (UK) Processing event streams from Apache Storm
Atlassian Collaborative editing platform for all their products
Netflix Map-Reduce languages for writing apps for Hadoop / Pig

Is clojure better than Python?

Clojure and Python can be primarily classified as “Languages” tools. “It is a lisp”, “Concise syntax” and “Persistent data structures” are the key factors why developers consider Clojure; whereas “Great libraries”, “Readable code” and “Beautiful code” are the primary reasons why Python is favored.

Is Clojure strongly or weakly typed?

Clojure is dynamically and strongly typed. PHP is dynamically and weakly typed. Haskell is statically and strongly typed. Java, as the most design-by-committe language ever, manages to be a mix of all four.

Is Clojure dynamic or static?

First and foremost, Clojure is dynamic. That means that a Clojure program is not just something you compile and run, but something with which you can interact.

How widely is Clojure used?

Here’s what they reported: Top development OS: MacOS is the most used (55%), followed by Linux-based operating systems (35%). Primary dev environments: Emacs (43%) and IntelliJ + Cursive Clojure (32%) are the most commonly used.

What are some examples of data structures in Clojure?

In this tutorial, you’ll learn Clojure data structures easily with code examples. We’ll go through Clojure’s main collections, data structure usage patterns, and thought processes for using Clojure’s powerful collection library including how to use collections like vectors, hashmaps, and sets, and common patterns like tuple and entity.

What are the semantics of collections in Clojure?

The collections come with built-in semantics–rules governing how they work and how you can use them. These are fixed by the language itself, and you have very little control over these semantics. They form the building material out of which you build your program.

How is a collection converted to a vector in Clojure?

Finally, you can convert any collection to a Vector by calling vec on it. Literal Vectors are read in by the reader, which constructs a Vector containing the expressions inside of it. When that Vector is evaluated, a new Vector is created with all of its elements evaluated.

How is a literal HashMap evaluated in Clojure?

Like all Clojure expressions, literal HashMaps have an evaluation semantic. There are two phases, read and eval. During the read phase, a HashMap is created with the key and value expressions. These are checked for uniqueness. That means that the following is illegal: