Why do they call it the old college try?

One’s best effort, as in Come on, if we give it the old college try we just might be able to cut down this tree. This slangy expression, originally a cheer to urge a team on, dates from the 1930s when college football films were very popular.

Where does the phrase old college try?

Babe Ruth (Babe Ruth’s Own Book of Baseball, 1928) defined “giving it the old college try” as “playing to the grandstand or making strenuous effort to field a ball that obviously cannot be handled.” In a column that appeared in the Columbus (Ohio) Citizen (Nov. 26, 1927) and was quoted in American Speech (Apr.

What is an ol college?

Orientation leaders (OL) play an integral role in helping students transition to college life. They serve as positive role models for new students, offering friendly assistance and answering questions from students and parent alike.

What does give it the beans mean?

When you spill the beans, you give away private information. If your friend warns you not to spill the beans, it means she doesn’t want you to tell anyone her secret.

What does it mean when someone says Bob’s your uncle?

Definition of and Bob’s your uncle British, informal. —used to say that something is easy to do or use Just complete the form, pay the fee, and Bob’s your uncle!

Is it ol or OL?

When the intent is to simulate a drawl, the correct version of old is ol’, which follows the common pattern of dropping a word’s final consonant to relax pronunciation, as in, for example, rollin’ in place of rolling.

Who said Cool Beans?

“Cool beans” originated in the 1970s, with comedy duo Cheech and Chong cited as pioneers of the term. The phrase continued to be used throughout the 1980s and 1990s; TV daughter D.J. Tanner said it frequently on the television show “Full House.” It roughly means “okay” or “sounds good.”

Where does the phrase give it the beans come from?

Origin: This is likely drawn from the ancient Greek process of voting, where votes were cast by placing one of two different colored beans in a vase (usually a white bean meant yes, and a black/brown one meant no). If someone literally spilled the beans, the election results would be revealed.

Why is it called Dressed to the nines?

One says that the phrase comes from the nine yards of material a tailor needed to make a really nice suit. Another origin story says that the phrase refers to the 99th (Lanarkshire) Regiment of Foot, a British army regiment established in 1824, reportedly known for the immaculate condition of their uniforms.

Is Ole slang for old?

Ole is used in written English to represent the word ‘old’ pronounced in a particular way. “I started fixin’ up ole bicycles fer poor kids.”

Is it good ole or old?

Ol’ is preferable to ole (not to be confused with olé, a Spanish exclamation synonymous with bravo! and, like that word, always punctuated with an exclamation point, which is nevertheless enshrined in the name of the Grand Ole Opry and in Ole Miss, the nickname for the University of Mississippi, as well as in the song …

What does give the old college try mean?

To give it the old college try means to put forth one’s very best effort, often to an outsized degree. Usually, but not always, give it the old college try refers to an attempt made to achieve something with a high risk of failure. The expression give it the old college try came not from the college campus, but from the baseball diamond.

What is the meaning of the term ‘the old college try’?

old college try, the One’s best effort, as in Come on, if we give it the old college try we just might be able to cut down this tree. This slangy expression, originally a cheer to urge a team on, dates from the 1930s when college football films were very popular.

What is the origin of the old college try?

“The old college try” is an idiom originating in American baseball indicating an effort unlikely to succeed but nevertheless undertaken strenuously, in the way a major league rookie might go after a fly ball with all of the spirit and vigor he would have in his college days.

What does “college try” mean?

college try. noun. Informal. maximum effort for success on behalf of one’s group, team, alma mater, etc. (usually preceded by the phrase the old): We may not make the deadline, but we’ll give it the old college try.