What is classed as drug misuse?

Drug misuse is when you take illegal drugs, or when you take medicines in a way not recommended by your GP or the manufacturer. Taking medicines in very large quantities that are dangerous to your health is also an example of drug misuse.

Is it illegal to misuse prescription drugs?

Yes, it is illegal to use prescription drugs without a valid prescription or to distribute them. The penalties associated with the abuse or illegal distribution of prescription drugs vary depending upon the drug type. How are they obtained?

What is difference between drug abuse and drug misuse?

How is drug misuse different from drug abuse? The key difference between a person who misuses drugs and a person who abuses drugs is their intent. The former takes a drug to treat a specific ailment, whereas the latter uses a drug to elicit certain feelings.

What drugs are classed as Class A?

Class A. Class A drugs are considered by Parliament to be the most harmful. This category includes heroin, methadone, cocaine (including crack cocaine), ecstasy, magic mushrooms and ‘crystal meth’.

Which is an example of misuse of medicine?

According to the Institute for Safe Medication Practices, prescription drug misuse can include: taking the incorrect dose; taking a dose at the wrong time; forgetting to take a dose; stopping medicine too soon.

What is drug use misuse and abuse?

According to National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) DrugFacts, prescription drug misuse and abuse is when someone takes a medication inappropriately (for example, without a prescription). Sadly, prescription drug misuse and abuse among young people is not an insignificant problem.

In what way can one misuse medicine?

“Misuse” of a prescription drug is taking it to treat a medical condition but not as directed by a healthcare provider or according to the directions on the packaging. “Abuse” is taking prescription drugs or OTCs with the sole intention of getting high.

What does drug misuse mean?

Drug misuse refers to the use of a substance for a purpose that is not consistent with legal or medical guidelines, most often with prescription medications. This could mean taking more than what is prescribed, or taking a medication that was not prescribed to you.

What is prescription drug addiction?

Prescription drug addiction is defined as the use of prescription medication in a way not intended by the prescribing physician. This type of behavior can include taking another person’s prescription medication or crushing and injecting pills as a means to get high.

What is prescription medication?

Prescription drug. A prescription drug (also prescription medication or prescription medicine) is a pharmaceutical drug that legally requires a medical prescription to be dispensed.