What is Hornfelsic texture?

Hornfelsic texture develops in a polycrystalline mineral aggregate by the crystallization of new minerals and the recrystallization of existing stable minerals. Crystallization and recrystallization take place by the initial formation of nucleii that grow through the surrounding grains and finally replace them.

What causes Granoblastic texture?

Granoblastic texture is the typical texture formed in metamorphic rocks when grains mutually adjust their boundaries in the solid state in an attempt to achieve textural equilibrium.

What is the texture of metamorphic rock?

TEXTURES Textures of metamorphic rocks fall into two broad groups, FOLIATED and NON-FOLIATED. Foliation is produced in a rock by the parallel alignment of platy minerals (e.g., muscovite, biotite, chlorite), needle-like minerals (e.g., hornblende), or tabular minerals (e.g., feldspars).

What does Granoblastic texture mean?

of a rock. : having a texture in which the fragments are irregular and angular and appear like a mosaic under the microscope.

What is andalusite used for?

Andalusite is the seeing stone that promotes the desire for self-realization, helping one to rebalance and re-align. This stone helps the wearer in discovering problems and emotional blockages while pointing the wearer to the possible resolution. It is also a protection stone and used to ward off the evil eye.

How do you identify Hornfel?

Under a microscope the structure of hornfels is very distinctive, with small, generally equigranular, mineral grains fitting closely together like the fragments of a mosaic or a rough pavement. Texture – granular, platy or elongate crystals randomly oriented so no foliation evident.

How is Granulite formed?

Formation. Granulites form at crustal depths, typically during regional metamorphism at high thermal gradients of greater than 30 °C/km. In continental crustal rocks, biotite may break down at high temperatures to form orthopyroxene + potassium feldspar + water, producing a granulite.

Which rock shows Granoblastic texture?

Granoblastic texture is typical of quartzite, marble, charnockites and other non-foliated metamorphic rocks without porphyroblasts. Characteristics defining granoblastic texture include: grains visible to the unaided eye, sutured boundaries and approximately equidimensional grains.

What is the texture of sedimentary rocks?

Texture: Sedimentary rocks may have clastic (detrital) or non-clastic texture. Clastic sedimentary rocks are composed of grains, fragments of pre-existing rocks that have been packed together with spaces (pores) between grains.

What is Granulose structure?

Explanation: Granulose structure is a typical structure of metamorphic rocks like marble and quartzite and is characterized by an essentially granular character of the constituent minerals.

What is the hardness of andalusite?

7 – 7.5
Andalusite/Hardness (Mohs hardness scale)

Where does andalusite-cordierite hornfels come from?

This sample of andalusite-cordierite hornfels comes from the aureole of the Skiddaw granite in Cumbria, and is part of the Skiddaw Group, a series of deformed pelitic rocks that were thermally metamorphosed by the Skiddaw granite around 400 million years ago. The Skiddaw Group were originally a thick sequence of Ordovician mudstones and siltstones.

What kind of rock is an andalusite made of?

Andalusite is a rock-forming industrial mineral and belongs to andalusite, kyanite, and sillimanite group, important for the geothermometry and geobarometry of metamorphic rocks. Andalusite occurs in argillaceous and micaceous slates, schists, and gneisses, and as crystals resulting from the contact metamorphism of intrusive rocks.

What kind of rock is a hornfels facies?

Fig.1: Contact aureole and hornfels Facies. Today this name is widely used for a group of compact, highly metamorphosed contact rocks, typically found in inner aureoles.

How big does a hornfels metamorphic rock get?

Hornfels: Hornfels is a fine-grained metamorphic rock without obvious foliation. It forms during contact metamorphism at shallow depth. The specimen shown is about two inches (five centimeters) across.