What are the symbols on a birth chart?

How to Read a Natal Chart—Planets, Symbols, and All

  • Sun. Glyph: A circle with a dot in the middle.
  • Moon. Glyph: A crescent moon.
  • Rising. Glyph: An upward-pointing arrow.
  • Mercury. Glyph: A circle with two “horns” and a cross underneath.
  • Venus. Glyph: A circle with a cross underneath (female symbol)
  • Mars.
  • Jupiter.
  • Saturn.

What are the 12 symbols of the zodiac?

The 12 zodiac signs in order are: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

What is the most important sign in your birth chart?

Your sun sign is which constellation the sun was passing through when you were born. It is the essence of your soul and is undoubtedly the most dominant aspect of your chart. Sun transits happen approximately every month. That’s why we associate certain zodiac signs with different months.

What is a Libra symbol?

Libra is an air sign represented by the scales (interestingly, the only inanimate object of the zodiac), an association that reflects Libra’s fixation on balance and harmony.

What does Mercury’s symbol mean?

The Planetary Astronomical Symbols The symbol for Mercury represents the head and winged cap of Mercury, god of commerce and communication, surmounting his caduceus (staff). The symbol for Venus is designated as the female symbol, thought to be the stylized representation of the hand mirror of this goddess of love.

What do the red and blue lines mean on a birth chart?

Each sign’s glyph (symbol) is displayed in the color matching its element: red for fire; green for earth; yellow for air; blue for water. The planets are indicated by the glyphs on the inside of the chart (see glyphs below).

What do the numbers on your birth chart mean?

If in your case the number is “1” then the ascendant is Aries, if it is “2” then is Taurus, “3” is Gemini, “4” is Cancer, “5” is Leo, “6” is Virgo, “8” is Scorpio, “9” is Sagittarius, “10” is Capricorn, “11” is Aquarius, “12” is Pisces. I hope by now you are able to read which sign is your rising sign/ascendant.

What are the zodiac sign symbols?

Aries zodiac sign symbol: the Ram. The Ram represents the mythical animal that saved the sun of king Athamus , Phrixus . It is the symbol of leadership, courage and renewal and suggests a native who is strong, wilful and resourceful.

What does each “house” represent in your birth chart?

A birth chart is divided into twelve sections referred to as houses. Each house represents an area of life: Houses one through six address everyday activities and mundane matters such as personal finances, the home, and routines; houses seven through 12 relate to more abstract concepts, including philosophy, legacy, and psychic abilities.

How to read a birth chart?

Interpreting Planets in the Signs. Look at the birth chart and take note of what sign and house each planet is in.

  • Incorporating the Astrological Houses.
  • House Rulers (Signs on the Cusps) Another influence on each House (in each department of life) is the ruling planet of the House.
  • How to read a natal birth chart?

    Sun: Your sun sign is your overall “self,” ego, and who you grew up to be. Moon: Your moon sign is your emotions, your hidden self, and who you were as a child. Rising/Ascendant: Your rising sign is how you relate to other people and the personality you project.