What does the LAD supply blood to?

The LAD provides blood to the anterior ventricular septum and the greater portion of the anterior portion of the left ventricle. The LCx supplies blood to the lateral wall of the left ventricle and sometimes to the posterior inferior aspect of the heart when there is left heart dominance.

What supplies the left anterior descending artery?

The left main coronary artery divides into the left anterior descending artery that supplies the anteroseptal wall of the heart and the circumflex coronary artery that supplies the posterior and lateral portions.

What part of the heart does the LAD supply?

left ventricle
Left Anterior Descending artery (LAD) – supplies the front and bottom of the left ventricle and the front of the septum.

Which coronary artery provides blood to the left atrium and left ventricle?

Left main coronary artery (LMCA). The left main coronary artery supplies blood to the left side of the heart muscle (the left ventricle and left atrium).

What does the left circumflex artery supply?

Circumflex artery – supplies blood to the left atrium, side and back of the left ventricle. Left Anterior Descending artery (LAD) – supplies the front and bottom of the left ventricle and the front of the septum.

Why is it called Widowmaker?

The “widowmaker” is an expression describing the complete closure of the left anterior descending (LAD) coronary artery. The LAD is an essential coronary artery and its occlusion can result in immediate death, hence the name.

What causes a Widowmaker?

What causes it? A widowmaker heart attack is caused by a complete block of the left anterior descending (LAD) artery. The LAD transports a large amount of blood into your heart, so without blood passing through the LAD, your heart can quickly run out of oxygen and stop beating.

What artery supplies anterior heart?

Left anterior descending artery, which supplies blood to the front (anterior wall) and part of the side (anterolateral wall) of the left ventricle, to the top of the left ventricle, and to most of the wall between the ventricles (interventricular septum).

What is the function of the left anterior descending artery?

The left anterior descending artery is one of the coronary arteries which supplies the anterior and lateral parts of the myocardium and the interventricular septum. It is responsible for approximately 45-55% of the left ventricles blood supply.

What are some symptoms of a LAD artery blockage?

Some of the warning signs and symptoms of a 100 percent LAD blockage include: feeling chest pain or discomfort. experiencing pain that radiates out into your arms, legs, back, neck, or jaw. having pain in your abdominal area that feels like heartburn.

What is the abbreviation for left anterior descending?

What is the abbreviation for Left Anterior Descending? Left Anterior Descending is abbreviated as LAD (also LA or LD)

What is the left posterior descending artery?

In the coronary circulation, the posterior interventricular artery (PIV, PIA, or PIVA), most often called the posterior descending artery (PDA), is an artery running in the posterior interventricular sulcus to the apex of the heart where it meets with the anterior interventricular artery or also known as Left Anterior Descending artery.