What is the max level for bombs in COC?


Patch Description
December 9, 2019 Added the level 9 Bomb.
March 30, 2020 Reduced the upgrade costs of level 5-7 Bombs. Level 5: 1,000,000 -> 500,000 Level 6: 1,500,000 -> 1,000,000 Level 7: 2,000,000 -> 1,500,000
January 20, 2021 Increased the level 9 Bomb’s damage from 112 to 125.

Do giant bombs do extra damage to hog riders?

Giant Bombs can do serious damage to moderate-health troops, such as low-level Giants or Hog Riders and usually instantly kill low-health troops such as Barbarians, Archers, Goblins and Wizards.

Should you upgrade bombs COC?

Bombs- Essentially, bombs are going to be weaker versions of the giant bomb. Therefore, they definitely shouldn’t take precedent over upgrading giant bombs, but they still are important, as they bring big damage toward groups of hogs, giants, and valkyries. Upgrading them can really boost your overall defense grade.

Do Hammers last forever in clash of clans?

Books have the ability to instantly finish an ongoing upgrade, skipping only the timer, so you must start the upgrade with your own resources. Magic Hammers can start AND finish upgrades. Hammers, however, have the power to start and finish an upgrade, without using any resource and skipping the time.

How does tornado trap work?

The Tornado Trap is the last trap to be unlocked, being unlocked at Town Hall level 11. When triggered, it sucks in attacking troops and does small damage to them. Its effect depends on the housing space of the troops affected; smaller troops will be more heavily affected than larger ones.

Is Mr T a hog rider?

When an Army Camp stationing Hog Riders is clicked, they jump up and down. He has more than a passing resemblance to “Mr. T”, an American actor.

Are traps important COC?

Traps are relatively inexpensive structures that remain hidden until they are activated by an attacking troop moving into their trigger radius. They can greatly improve the effectiveness of a village’s defense if properly placed. The Mine and Mega Mine can be set to hit ground or air troops.

What gender is a Pekka?

P.E.K.K.A’s gender has been confirmed as female, as one of the Loading Screen Hints states, “The armor on P.E.K.K.A is so heavy that Spring Traps don’t affect her”, and also several videos from the official YouTube.

Are minions good COC?

Minions are generally very useful utility troops despite their obvious weakness of low health. It is extremely useful to carry a small number of Minions (3 or so) to pick off buildings that are defended by ground defenses only (Mortars, Cannons, Bomb Towers, and Ground Mode X-Bows).

Can Hammer of building upgrade heroes?

“A swing of this magic hammer will instantly upgrade any hero to the next level. Works in both villages!” The Hammer of Heroes can be used to instantly upgrade any one hero in either village.

How big is the bomb in Clash of clans?

At level 3, the Bomb becomes a little bigger and gains 4 golden spikes around its circumference. At level 5, the Bomb is encased in two metal shells that have several golden bumps on their surface. At level 7, the Bomb is encased in two golden shells with no bumps on the surface.

What happens when the Giant Bomb is at maximum level?

When the Giant Bomb is at maximum level, this icon is not shown. Tapping this icon instantly upgrades the Giant Bomb to the next level, at the cost of one Hammer of Building if you have one. When the Giant Bomb is at maximum level, or if the Town Hall requirements for the next level are not met, this icon is not shown.

What to do when you get a bomb in Clash of clans?

Be cautious when upgrading a Bomb, as this will reveal its location. Combat this by relocating it during the upgrade period, since it won’t trigger during that period anyway. This is useful against players who scout out your base ahead of time for revenge attacks.