What are FCA listing rules?

The Listing Rules (LR) are a set of regulations applicable to any company listed on a United Kingdom stock exchange, subject to the oversight of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

Can a standard listing be on the FTSE?

Premium listed Main Market companies are potentially eligible for the FTSE UK Index Series, one of the most recognised in the world, which includes the well-known FTSE 100 Index. Standard listed companies and DRs are not eligible for inclusion in the FTSE UK Index Series.

How do I list my company on the UK stock market?

Joining the Main Market

  1. Create your prospectus – you must produce a prospectus which will be verified by the FCA.
  2. Apply for admission to trade – you must apply to both London Stock Exchange and the FCA to admit your securities to the Main Market.

What are the listing requirements for the London Stock Exchange?

Sponsor. Required.

  • document. Prospectus vetted and approved by the UKLA.
  • inclusion. Subject to eligibility if not a UK plc.
  • free float. 25% of shares in public hands.
  • capitalisation. £700,000.
  • assets. Control over the majority of assets.
  • track record. At least 75% of the business must be.
  • track record.
  • What is the FCA Official List?

    The Official List (or UKLA Official List) is the list maintained by the Financial Conduct Authority (acting in its capacity as the UK Listing Authority) in accordance with Section 74(1) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (the Act) for the purposes of Part VI of the Act.

    Do Listing Rules apply to AIM?

    AIM companies are not listed, and are hence not subject to the Listing Rules.

    What is the Official List FCA?

    The Financial Conduct Authority’s (FCA) list of securities that have been admitted to listing. The FCA must maintain the Official List in accordance with Part 6 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000.

    What is the difference between LSE and FTSE?

    The London Stock Exchange (LSE) is the primary stock exchange in the United Kingdom and the largest in Europe. The Financial Times Stock Exchange (FTSE) 100 Share Index, or “Footsie”, is the dominant index, containing 100 of the top blue-chip stocks on the LSE.

    What are the listing requirements?

    Listing requirements are a set of conditions which a firm must meet before listing a security on one of the organized stock exchanges, such as the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), the Nasdaq, the London Stock Exchange, or the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

    What is the Official List of a stock exchange?

    The stock exchange daily official list (SEDOL) is a series of unique characters to each London Stock Exchange-based security that is used to identify publicly traded stocks securely. The U.K. and U.S.-issued securities rely on the efficiency and uniqueness of SEDOL codes to enhance seamless and correct trading.

    Is the FCA the Ukla?

    We also provide an overview of Brexit updates and updates on the Prospectus Regulation. You may have noticed we rarely use the name ‘UK Listing Authority’ or ‘UKLA’ to describe the FCA when we are acting as regulator of issuers of securities. We call ourselves the Financial Conduct Authority or FCA.

    Are the Listing Rules legally binding?

    The Listing Rules are enforceable against listed entities and their associates under the Corporations Act (see sections 793C and 1101B). If an entity does not comply with the Listing Rules, its +securities may be suspended from +quotation or it may be removed from the +official list.

    Is the FTSE 100 covered by the FCA?

    The premium listing rules cover all companies in the FTSE 100, FTSE 250 and FTSE Fledgling indices. Later in the year, the FCA would “consider further tightening the rule, moving from ‘comply or explain’ to mandatory disclosure”, Rathi said. “We generally expect companies to be able to comply,” he added.

    What are the rules for listing in the FCA?

    9.1 Preliminary 9.2 Requirements with continuing application 9.3 Continuing obligations: holders 9.4 Documents requiring prior approval 9.5 Transactions 9.6 Notifications 9.7A Preliminary statement of annual results, and statement of dividends 9.8 Annualfinancial report 9 Annex 1 THE MODEL CODE (R) LR 10 Significant transactions: Premium listing

    What are the rules for listing on the London Stock Exchange?

    Securities admitted to trading on the Main Market must be listed in accordance with Chapter 17 of the Listing Rules of the UKLA in the FCA Handbook. For securities admitted to trading on the Professional Securities Market, the relevant chapter of the UKLA Listing Rules is Chapter 4.

    What are the rules for listing on the UKLA?

    For securities admitted to trading on the Professional Securities Market, the relevant chapter of the UKLA Listing Rules is Chapter 4. All securities admitted to trading must comply with the Exchange’s Admission and Disclosure Standards.