Is Minmus easier than Mun?

To sum up: Mun is easier to navigate. Minmus is easier to design a rocket.

Can you orbit Minmus?

A synchronous orbit around Minmus is possible at an altitude of 357.94 km. However, this means that a base on or in orbit around Minmus would make a convenient refueling station for vessels leaving the Kerbin system. An efficient way to return to a lower Kerbin orbit from Minmus is to use a gravity assist around Mun.

What is Minmus in real life?

Minmus is based off of the real life comet Halley.

How long is a day on Minmus?


Orbital Characteristics
Semi-Major Axis 47 000 000 m (1)
Sidereal Rotation Period 40 400.000 s
1 d 5 h 13 m 20 s (Kerbin time) 11 h 13 m 20 s (Earth time)
Sidereal Rotational Velocity 9.3315 m/s

How much DV do you need for Duna?

With proper aerobraking, a round trip from Kerbin to Duna’s orbit and back requires roughly 1700 m/s of delta-v, less than a round trip to any other planet. Duna is often the easiest planet to achieve encounters because of a low orbital inclination.

Why can I not revert flight KSP?

If it was mid-flight when you started flying it (like you went to the space center and then back) you can’t revert anymore, you’re in it for the long haul.

What is Minmus gravity?

Gravity at Minmus ‘sea level’ is 0.491m/s2 . So gravity at Minmus’ highest elevation (5725m) should be 0.491/(65.725/60)2 = 0.409m/s2 .

Is Minmus a moon?

Minmus Minmus is a small moon of Kerbin. From the surface of Kerbin or Mun, it is a cyan speck one or two pixels wide which appears to slightly oscillate vertically. This is a result of viewing its rotation from afar.

Can you make a Kerbal X minmus rocket?

Look at the stock Kerbal X craft. That should be capable of Minmus / Mun landings and returns. A basic Terrier/Reliant/Kickbacks build will do the job. Just have enough fuel for each stage so they have decent TWR. Mun/Minmus have very similar Dv requirements. Soon you’ll be ‘able’ to buy your minmus rocket from the Take Two store, only 4.99.

Where can I buy a minmus rocket from?

Mun/Minmus have very similar Dv requirements. Soon you’ll be ‘able’ to buy your minmus rocket from the Take Two store, only 4.99. Soon you’ll be ‘able’ to buy your minmus rocket from the Take Two store, only 4.99.

Which is the smallest moon of Kerbin space program?

Minmus is the smallest moon of Kerbin. From the surface of Kerbin or the Mun, it is a cyan speck one or two pixels wide which appears to slightly oscillate vertically. This is a result of viewing its rotation from afar.

How long does it take for minmus to orbit Kerbin?

Orbital characteristics Minmus orbits Kerbin at a continuous altitude of 46,400,000 meters and takes approximately 920 m/s Δv to transfer to from low Kerbin orbit. The synodic period from Kerbin’s surface is 14 days, 3 hours and 1 second (1,220,401 seconds). A synchronous orbit around Minmus is possible at an altitude of 357.94 km.