What are the 5 categories of hurricanes called?

Category Sustained Winds
2 96-110 mph 83-95 kt 154-177 km/h
3 (major) 111-129 mph 96-112 kt 178-208 km/h
4 (major) 130-156 mph 113-136 kt 209-251 km/h
5 (major) 157 mph or higher 137 kt or higher 252 km/h or higher

Is a category 7 hurricane possible?

A Category 7 is a hypothetical rating beyond the maximum rating of Category 5. A storm of this magnitude would most likely have winds between 215 and 245 mph, with a minimum pressure between 820-845 millibars. These storms are extremely dangerous and deadly.

What is a Category 6 hurricane called?

There is no such thing as a category 6 hurricane or tropical storm – yet. The highest level – the top of the scale for the most powerful, most devastating hurricane or tropical storm capable of destroying entire cities like New Orleans or New York – is a category 5 storm.

What was the last Cat 5 hurricane?

2018: Hurricane Michael 10, 2018, with sustained winds of 160 mph and stayed at hurricane strength as it moved into Georgia. It initially was ruled a category 4, but was upgraded to a category 5 six months later after a detailed post-storm analysis.

What category is Hurricane Elsa?

Category 1 Hurricane (SSHWS)
Hurricane Elsa/Category

What are the winds of a Category 1 hurricane?

Winds 39-73 mph Category 1 Hurricane winds 74-95 mph (64-82 kt) No real damage to buildings.

How are hurricanes classified according to the SSHWS?

Hurricanes are capable of causing massive losses to life and property and hence the need to classify these tropical storms became necessary. Hurricanes are classified according to the Saffir–Simpson hurricane wind scale (SSHWS). According to this scale, there are 5 categories of hurricanes: Category 1 to Category 5,…

Can a Category 1 hurricane be a super typhoon?

Category 1 and 2 storms are still dangerous, however, and require preventative measures. In the western North Pacific, the term “super typhoon” is used for tropical cyclones with sustained winds exceeding 150 mph.

Which is the most dangerous category of Hurricane?

4. Category 2 -. Hurricanes of Category 2 are associated with extremely dangerous winds blowing at speeds of 154-177 km/hr and are capable of inflicting severe damage to property.