How to increase Battle Rating in wartune?

At level 41, you can raise your BR (battle rating) by spinning the Blessing Wheel. Doing so will boost the Academy skills up to 200%, thus making you much stronger. The minimum bonus is 10% (110% tech effects). The blessing goes higher (never lower) with each spin, to a maximum of 200% (300% tech effects).

How do you get honor in wartune?

Honor is earned three ways: from Battlegrounds, participating in Guild Battle and using “Medallion” item that boost your honor by 500 points per use.

What are the Battle ratings for War Thunder?

For example, for a lineup consisting of a BR 2.0 naval vessel and a BR 2.3 aircraft, the BR of the aircraft is taken, and vehicles with BR between 1.3 and 3.3 can be seen. For a lineup consisting of a BR 2.0 naval vessel and a BR 2.7 aircraft, the aircraft will not be taken into battle and vehicles with BR between 1.0 and 3.0 will be seen.

Do you have to have battle rating to go into battle?

In Air Simulator Battles, there are two battle rating ranges for each team, Allowed vehicles and Required vehicles. Any aircraft with battle rating in the Allowed vehicles range can be taken into battle. However, to enter an Air Simulator game, at least one aircraft in the lineup must be in the Required vehicles range.

How are battle ratings used in arcade assault?

In Ground Arcade Assault mode, there are battle rating ranges as follows: The battle rating of the highest BR ground unit or helicopter in a lineup is used to determine which range a player will be matched in. Aircraft and naval vessels in the lineup are not taken into account and cannot be taken into battle.

What’s the difference between Lower and higher battle ratings?

Typically, in an Air Simulator game, lower battle rating vehicles can spawn immediately, while higher battle rating vehicles may require Spawn Points (SP) and may have a cooldown timer until they can be spawned again. Ground units and naval vessels in the lineup are not taken into account and cannot be taken into battle.