What is regardless of feature size in GD?

RFS Regardless of Feature Size is the default condition of all geometric tolerances by rule #2 of GD and requires no callout. Regardless of feature size simply means that whatever GD callout you make, is controlled independently of the size dimension of the part.

What is a feature of size in GD?

In GD the term feature-of-size (FOS) refers to any surface, or set of parallel surfaces associated with a size dimension. Specific examples of features of size include: A hole diameter (a cylindrical surface) Plate thickness (two opposed parallel surfaces)

Which standard is used for GD?

Y14.5 standard
The Y14. 5 standard is considered the authoritative guideline for the design language of geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD.)

What does a circled S mean in GD?

The circle S is a now discontinued practice that just means that the tolerance or the datum is to be taken at regardless of feature size. This symbol was phased out in the 1994 standard because it was deemed redundant with not putting anything there at all.

What is irregular feature of size?

By the words in this definition irregular features of size include those that are not spheres, cylinders or parallel planes, that are either internal or external features that can be contained by an actual mating envelope.

What is the use of zero positional tolerance at MMC?

Zero tolerance is never used without an MMC or LMC modifier. Zero at RFS would, in fact, be a zero tolerance no matter what size the feature is manufactured. Where zero positional tolerance at MMC is specified, the tolerance that applies to the feature being controlled is the bonus tolerance.

WHAT ARE NOT feature of size?

What is non feature of size Dimension? In an engineering drawing, the dimensions other than the feature of size are called non feature of size dimensions. In the above figure, we have two non feature of size dimensions (the fillet and the chamfer).

What is the difference between feature and feature of size?

A feature is defined as being a physical portion of a part such as a surface, hole, boss or slot. A feature of size is defined in the 2009 Y14.

What is the most common GD standards in USA?

ASME Y14. 5 is an established, widely used GD standard containing all the necessary information for a comprehensive GD system. The ASME Y14. 5 standard establishes symbols, definitions, and rules for geometric dimensioning and tolerancing.

What does CF mean on an engineering drawing?

Continuous feature distinction between similar features (Y14. 5-2009) – Drafting Standards, GD & Tolerance Analysis – Eng-Tips.

What exactly is the meaning of feature size?

The new standard defines a feature of size (FOS) as “one cylindrical or spherical surface, a circular element, and a set of two opposed parallel elements or opposed parallel surfaces, each of which is associated with a directly toleranced dimension.”

What is the abbreviation for regardless of feature size?

RFS stands for Regardless of Feature Size (geometric dimensioning and tolerancing)

What is, ‘regardless of feature size’ in your words?

The Regardless of feature size (RFS) is the feature of the size where it can be called out for a hole or a shaft when there is no need of MMC or LMC. This means that it does not matter whether the size is at it’s low or high limit of its noted tolerance and that the GD limit does not change.

What is a regular feature of size?

First we will discuss Regular Features Of Size. They are by far the most common. A Regular Feature Of size is one that has a size associated with it (a diameter or a width or a length or a thickness). The special thing about a Regular Feature Of Size that makes it regular is the fact that it has Opposed Surfaces.