Did the writers of Lost have a plan?

In the end, the series came to a conclusion in 2010 after six seasons. And then of course the fourth season was cut short by the writers’ strike, but everything else went relatively according to design. Not to say that everything we did worked, but we had a plan and we executed that plan.”

Who talked to JJ Abrams about the show Lost?

“Even if you fail, people will appreciate you having attempted the harder trick and crashed than just kind of doing the easy stuff,” said co-creator Damon Lindelof during a 90-minute interview about the show’s first season. He said this wisdom was instilled in him by his fellow co-creator, J.J. Abrams.

Did the writers of Lost make it up as they went?

One of the most frequent criticisms of Lost over the years has been that the writers were making up the story as they went along, and while Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse have admitted to a certain amount of narrative flexibility, they insist that the overall direction of Lost played out as originally intended.

Why is Lost so poorly written?

Part of the show’s pacing issues stems from the bloated flashbacks that peppered seasons two and three. It felt like some characters’ stories had been well and truly told and that the writers were simply spinning their wheels by forcing unnecessary flashbacks.

What is the storyline behind Lost?

Lost was a fast-paced, suspenseful, and surreal series about a group of people who survive when their commercial passenger jet, Oceanic Airlines Flight 815, crashes on a remote island in the tropical Pacific. As the survivors work together in an attempt to stay alive, they discover many mysteries about the island.

Do they get rescued in Lost?

Six of the survivors are taken to the freighter and explosives are discovered on board. After Kate, Sayid and the Others free Ben and kill the mercenaries, Jack, Kate, Sayid, Hurley, Sun, Aaron, Desmond and Frank are rescued by Penny after Ben and Locke succeed in moving the island and the freighter explodes.

Is Lost realistic?

Many people mistakenly believe that at the very start of Lost, every character on the show, (Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Hurley, etc.) are all dead. The Island was real — a physical place that humans could come and go from — and the characters of Lost really spent several years on it.

Who is bad in Lost?

MYSTERY: Michael Emerson, who plays bad guy Ben Linus on “Lost,” says his character’s strength is his mysteriousness.

Who was the voice of the TV show lost?

Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse are seated around the infamous hatch from Lost. The duo, who became the voice of the ABC series during its six-season run, have met up in Lindelof’s office on the WBR lot in Burbank to reflect on Lost ‘s cultural legacy exactly ten years after shooting the show’s pilot.

When did the TV show lost come out?

Lost premiered in September of 2004 and quickly spiraled into one of the most compelling, divisive shows on TV. Its unconventional, complexly wrought structure, enigmatic characters, and collection of perplexing mysteries became an immediate part of the cultural conversation, engaging fans in a truly obsessive way.

Why did Naveen Andrews play guitar on lost?

DAMON LINDELOF: Because Naveen Andrews liked to play the guitar between set-ups at night in an effort to lull the cast into submission. He’s an amazing guitar player.