Who was ashpenaz in Daniel?

Ashpenaz was the chief eunuch of the court in Baylon and took (the prophet) Daniel (of the lion’s den) under wing, along with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego (of the fiery furnace).

Who was the man set over Daniel by ashpenaz the Babylonian prince of the eunuchs?

Question by author pennie1478. 8 In chapter one, Daniel is one of many deported into exile in Babylon. Who was the man set over Daniel by Ashpenaz, the Babylonian prince of the eunuchs? Melzar risked his life in cooperating with Daniel and his friends.

Who was the chief eunuchs of the king?

Ac- cording to the KJV, Asphenez was the chief of the eunuchs, while the NAV and the NIV call him simply a chief palace official. Again, according to Babylonian custom, there were probably many eunuchs in the service of the palace, not only those guarding the women.

What was the purpose of eunuchs in the Bible?

Eunuchs who were emasculated voluntarily for the avoidance of sexual sin or temptation—the Christian theologian Origen (c. ad 185–c. 254) being the most celebrated example—have appeared in several Christian periods, basing their action on the text of Matthew 19:12; 5:28–30.

Where did Daniel and his friends come from?

The kingdom of Babylon conquered Jerusalem. They took some of the smartest and strongest young men away from their families in Jerusalem and brought them back to Babylon to serve the king. Daniel and his friends were some of these young men.

What did Daniel and his 3 friends eat?

Therefore, Daniel and his friends were permitted to eat vegetables for the duration of their training. And the king appointed for them a daily portion of the king’s dainties, and of the wine which he drank, and that they should be nourished three years; that at the end thereof they should stand before the king.

Which country did eunuch in the Bible come from?

The Ethiopian eunuch (Ge’ez: ኢትዮጵያዊው ጃንደረባ) is a figure in the New Testament of the Bible; the story of his conversion to Christianity is recounted in Acts 8.

Can eunuchs give birth?

Hermaphrodites, commonly known as eunuchs, can now choose a gender of their liking and some can even give birth to babies, thanks to a special procedure developed at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS).

Why did Daniel only eat vegetables?

Daniel refused to eat foods forbidden by Elohim and instead asked for vegetables and water. The guard charged with their care expressed concern for their health, so Daniel requested a short test of the diet. Therefore, Daniel and his friends were permitted to eat vegetables for the duration of their training.

What food did the Ravens bring Elijah?

6 And the ravens brought him bread and flesh in the morning, and bread and flesh in the evening; and he drank of the brook. “The ravens were appointed to bring him meat, and did so.