What does MetaStock cost?

MetaStock D/C Price as low as $59 per month depending on region selected. Each package includes one regional stock package of Refinitiv DataLink, as well as World Wide Futures/Forex, and Global Indices. Price as low as $635 per month depending on region selected.

How is MetaStock?

Simply put, MetaStock is a charting software tool for traders to analyze the markets. It uses technical analysis to help traders take the guesswork out of trading by offering a methodical, systematic approach to selecting which securities to trade and when. At the core of MetaStock are the PowerTools.

How do I cancel my MetaStock subscription?

Monthly and annual subscriptions will automatically renew unless you notify us that you want to terminate your Service, by using the contact information at http://metastock.com/Company/about/Contact.aspx. Termination of your access to any Service will take effect on the first day of the next Billing Cycle.

Which is better mt4 vs AmiBroker?

However, Amibroker has a slight edge in terms of multi-timeframe analysis, also it can load charts in any timeframe while in MetaTrader you can use certain pre-defined timeframes. Charting features are also faster in Amibroker compared to MetaTrader.

How do Indian markets use Amibrokers?

Steps to get started:

  1. Download the Data importer.
  2. Remove the Data feeder application, if you used it previously.
  3. Install Data importer.
  4. Open Amibroker.
  5. Create a new Database for saving Intraday data.
  6. In Amibroker, Goto File menu > New > Database.
  7. Click on Create button.
  8. Select Data Source as (Local Database).

Do you think MetaStock is a good product?

To me, it is a decent product if considered only from that standard. Metastock’s customer service has always been very good. However, it is a very expensive product that requires an expensive subscription for end of day data. Other software that is free for downloading that includes free end of day data makes Metastock a dinosaur.

Are there restrictions on number of symbols you can download on MetaStock?

There’s no restriction on the number of symbols users can download, and symbols are easily searchable. Metastock might be able to hook into your broker! It depends on which you are using, but Interactice Brokers for example has the ability to interface with your Metastock platform.

How much does MetaStock daily chart subscription cost?

The other option is the MetaStock Daily Charts Subscription that is especially designed for end of day traders and is powered by Reuters. This option costs either $24.94 per month or a one time payment of $449.

Is the MetaStock end of day service good?

I’ve used 2 versions of Metastock’s End of Day. To me, it is a decent product if considered only from that standard. Metastock’s customer service has always been very good. However, it is a very expensive product that requires an expensive subscription for end of day data.