How do I present a CXR OSCE?

Top 10 presentation tips

  1. Pay attention to the clinical details.
  2. Learn your lines.
  3. Comment on image quality – briefly.
  4. Describe the ‘obvious’ abnormality first.
  5. Continue systematically.
  6. Describe things you are unsure of and come back to them only if you think they are relevant.
  7. Check the review areas.

How do you describe a chest X ray?

Chest x-ray uses a very small dose of ionizing radiation to produce pictures of the inside of the chest. It is used to evaluate the lungs, heart and chest wall and may be used to help diagnose shortness of breath, persistent cough, fever, chest pain or injury.

How do you write a chest X ray report?

Documenting the CXR results in the notes

  1. Document the time and date that the CXR was performed as this may be significantly different from the time you are documenting.
  2. Write the indication for the CXR (e.g. “productive cough, shortness of breath and fever – possible community-acquired pneumonia”)

How are X-rays represented?

In many languages, X-radiation is referred to as Röntgen radiation, after the German scientist Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, who discovered it on November 8, 1895. He named it X-radiation to signify an unknown type of radiation. Spellings of X-ray(s) in English include the variants x-ray(s), xray(s), and X ray(s).

How do you describe a chest?

Descriptors: MEN (CHEST): brawny, smooth, hairy, firm, curly, broad, narrow, warm, sculpted, hard, strong, well-defined, chiseled, toned, pecs, pectorals, heavy, sagging, deep, flabby, bumpy, thick, skinny, bony, concave…

What does CXR stand for?

Definition. A chest x-ray is an x-ray of the chest, lungs, heart, large arteries, ribs, and diaphragm.

How can you tell the difference between anterior and posterior ribs?

In the inferior pair of ribs (I), the posterior rib (arrow) is slightly lower than the anterior rib. In contrast, in the cranial rib pair (S), the poste- rior rib (arrowhead) is higher than the anterior rib. Thus, the posterior ribs are farther from the film and are on the right.

Will a chest xray show all ribs?

Recall that the ribs wrap all the way around the front and the back of the chest to protect the lungs and heart. On a chest x-ray, you can see both the front sections and the back sections of the ribs, just like the shadow of a cage projected onto a wall.

Why is PA chest not ap?

Anterior-Posterior (AP) projection Sometimes it is not possible for radiographers to acquire a PA chest X-ray. This is usually because the patient is too unwell to stand. The chest X-ray image is still viewed as if looking at the patient face-to-face.

What does PA mean on chest xray?

The posteroanterior (PA) chest view examines the lungs, bony thoracic cavity, mediastinum and great vessels.

When to use X-ray interpretation in OSCE?

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Musculoskeletal (MSK) X-ray interpretation can occasionally feature in OSCEs and therefore it’s important to practice this skill to develop a structured approach.

How is ABCDE used in chest X-ray interpretation?

The ABCDE approach can be used to carry out a structured interpretation of a chest X-ray: A irway: trachea, carina, bronchi and hilar structures. B reathing: lungs and pleura. C ardiac: heart size and borders. D iaphragm: including assessment of costophrenic angles.

What are the main features of a chest X-ray?

Question: Please describe the main features on this chest x-ray in particular the mediastinum. This opens in a new window. Examiner: additional points of reference including the lateral chest x-ray

How to prepare for an OSCE radiology masterclass?

First, identify the patient and the type of X-ray image… ‘This is a plain CHEST/ABDOMINAL radiograph of PATIENT’S NAME taken on DATE at TIME, it is a PA/AP/SUPINE/MOBILE image, and I note the side marker is correct…’ Ask to see any previous images. This will impress the examiner, even if none are available in the scenario.