What is Juxtafoveal telangiectasia?

A condition that is characterized by exudation or diffusion abnormalities from ectatic (dilated and tortuous blood vessels) and incompetent retinal capillaries in the juxtafoveolar region. Can be found as a developmental or congenital vascular anomaly or an acquired condition.

What causes retinal telangiectasia?

What causes retinal telangiectasia? At this time, we do not know what causes this disease. Having a family history of retinal telangiectasia may increase your risk. Other conditions such as diabetes or high blood pressure may also increase the chance that you will develop retinal telangiectasia.

How do you get rid of telangiectasia?

Doctors can use laser therapy, sclerotherapy, or excision surgery to remove telangiectases. Laser therapy is minimally invasive and generally the most straightforward treatment for facial telangiectasia and broken capillaries. Laser ablation can seal the widened blood vessels.

What is JXT of the eye?

(pronounced tell an gee ACT te sis) (JFT), also known as perifoveal telangiectasis or mac-tel for macular telangiectasia, is a condition in which abnormalities develop in blood vessels at the center of the retina.

What does Juxtafoveal mean?

Is telangiectasia permanent?

Cutaneous telangiectases are caused by permanent dilatation of small blood vessels resulting in small, red linear markings in the skin and mucous membranes. They can be primary or secondary.

What do you need to know about juxtafoveal telangiectasia?

Juxtafoveal Telangiectasia A condition that is characterized by exudation or diffusion abnormalities from ectatic (dilated and tortuous blood vessels) and incompetent retinal capillaries in the juxtafoveolar region Can be found as a developmental or congenital vascular anomaly or an acquired condition.

What does it mean to have perifoveal telangiectasis?

Idiopathic Juxtafoveal Telangiectasis. (pronounced tell an gee ACT te sis) (JFT), also known as perifoveal telangiectasis or mac-tel for macular telangiectasia, is a condition in which abnormalities develop in blood vessels at the center of the retina. This central part of the retina, called the fovea, is responsible for…

Is there such a thing as macular telangiectasia?

Idiopathic juxtafoveal telangiectasia type II (aka macular telangiectasia) is a rare idiopathic condition that is characterized by telangiectatic vessels in the juxtafoveolar region, most commonly temporal to the fovea, of both eyes. Additional findings include graying of the parafoveal retina,…

What are the signs and symptoms of telangiectasia?

Can be found as a developmental or congenital vascular anomaly or an acquired condition. Symptoms: decreased vision secondary to serous exudation, macular edema or hard exudates in areas adjacent to the telangiectasis These patients fall into several subgroups. Generally the entity has been subdivided into 3 groups: