Will there be a Leaving Cert 2021?

The Leaving Certificate written exams ran from 9 June to 29 June 2021. You can read about changes made to assessment arrangements for Leaving Certificate 2021 examinations to take account of the disrupted learning experienced by students during school closures in 2020 and 2021.

Is it hard to get a H1 in music?

While Leaving Cert music is regarded as one of the more ‘relaxed’ subjects one could choose, it is notoriously difficult to get a H1 in the subject.

Is the JC hard?

It is not a rare sight for someone to retain in JC because of how rigorous the syllabus can be. You might think that you are mentally prepared but you won’t even know it until it hits you. Get ready to grind and when we say grind, it is going to be at a whole new level!

What percentage of students should get an A?

Grade conversion

Letter Grade Percentage GPA
A+ 97–100 % 4.33 or 4.00
A 93–96 % 4.00
A− 90–92 % 3.67
B+ 87–89 % 3.33

When did the Junior Cycle music specification start?

For students who begin first year in or after September 2018 the Junior Cycle Music specification applies. To support the specification, Assessment Guidelines and Examples of Student Work are provided. The Junior Cycle Music Specification was introduced into schools in September 2018. The development of the specification began in January 2016.

What can Junior Cycle music do for You?

Junior Cycle Music focuses on giving students the opportunity to develop their musical knowledge, skills and cultural awareness through the practical and cognitive engagement with music. This can be achieved through the three interconnected strands: Procedural knowledge, Innovate and ideate, and Culture and context.

What is the purpose of Music in college?

Music aims to contribute to the development of artistic awareness and understanding, self-expression, self-esteem, imagination and multicultural sensitivity of all students. Students will develop the knowledge, skills and understanding necessary to produce and engage with authentic and original music, that is both theirs and the music of others.