What are the types of patent?

There are three types of patents: utility patents, design patents, and plant patents. Each type of patent has its own eligibility requirements and protects a specific type of invention or discovery; however, it’s possible for one invention or discovery to potentially have more than one type of patent available for it.

Can patent be filed online?

Online Patent filing : also known as online Patent registration, can be performed through Indian Patent Office’s Electronic Patent filing application known as e-service portal.

What is patent application type?

Types of patent applications granted in India Ordinary or Non-Provisional Application. Convention Application. PCT International Application. PCT National Phase Application. Patent of Addition.

What type of patent do I need?

What kind of patent do you need? There are three types of patents – Utility, Design, and Plant. Utility patents may be granted to anyone who invents or discovers any new and useful process, machine, article of manufacture, or compositions of matters, or any new useful improvement thereof.

What is online patent?

Patent Online Services is a central location where you can access resources that allow you to search, file, view and obtain status for patents. The following tools and web sites are available to aid you in your patent process.

Who Cannot apply for a patent?

A patent application can be filed either by true and first inventor or his assignee, either alone or jointly with any other person. However, legal representative of any deceased person can also make an application for patent. 16.

Is Instagram patented?

The problem with this argument is that Instagram has no patents. Instagram has over 30 million accounts on the iPhone, as of April 2012. Even if you add the 1 million new users when the Android app launched, this is nothing.

Is WhatsApp patented?

WhatsApp has filed 115 patents.

What are the three different types of patents?

There are three types of patents: utility patents, design patents, and plant patents. Each type of patent has its own eligibility requirements and protects a specific type of invention or discovery; however, it’s possible for one invention or discovery to potentially have more than one type of patent available for it.

How to search for a patent in the USPTO?

USPTO Patent Application Full-Text and Image Database (AppFT) Search for Full-Text and Image versions of patent applications. Customize searches on all fields of a patent application in the AppFT for Full-Text searches.

Which is an example of a utility patent?

For example, a utility patent would be used to protect a new process of making a computer (process), a new type of computer (machine), a computer part (article of manufacture), or a new chemical (composition of matter). Design patents are applicable to the invention of a new, original, and ornamental design for an article of manufacture.

What makes a design eligible for a patent?

In terms of obtaining a design patent, a design is defined as the “surface ornamentation” of an object, which can include the shape or configuration of an object. In order to obtain this type of patent protection, the design must be inseparable from the object.