Can you get discount at Travelodge?

Yes! Travelodge offers a student discount so when you click through and verify your status with Student Beans, you save 5% at booking. Verify your status today to get a Travelodge promo code and save big!

Why have Travelodge prices gone up?

Our room prices are set dynamically depending on the level of demand. The higher the demand for a room, the higher the price is likely to be. Generally our lowest price rooms are sold well in advance and will not be available close to the date of stay.

How much does Travelodge charge for deposit?

1. 10% deposit is required at the time of making your group booking. This deposit amount is non- refundable.

Do you get discount at Travelodge with Blue Light Card?

No, there isn’t any specific Blue Light card deal for Travelodge. Although you can use our discounts above to save money when booking!

Do Travelodge prices go down on the day?

You will always find our lowest prices on our website. The best value rooms are snapped up early. Rooms can be booked up to 325 days in advance, so the earlier you book, the more likely you’ll get a room under £29. Rooms under £29 tend to be available Sunday-Thursday.

Are Travelodge prices per room or per person?

2. Room rates are per room per night and, subject to B7, are inclusive of VAT, unless we state otherwise.

Do Premier Inn drop their prices?

Prices can go up or down, but mainly go up, so book it if you’re happy with the price.

Can you just walk into a Travelodge?

You must be able to show photo identification such as a passport or driver’s license or a valid credit or debit card if you are paying by cash for a walk-in booking at a Travelodge hotel. 4. Any bookings made through our telephone reservations centre will be subject to an additional booking fee. 1.

Can someone else use my Travelodge booking?

You may make a booking on someone else’s behalf. You are responsible for ensuring that any customer in your booking complies with these terms as if that customer had made the booking. 3.

How do I claim blue light discount?

How do I use my Blue Light & Defence Services Discount?

  1. Log into your Blue Light account or Defence Services account and head to the New Look discount section to find the current promo code.
  2. Enter the promotional code shown into the box marked ‘Enter a Promo Code’ and click ‘Apply code’ (see below).

Is a Blue Light Card free?

Powered by Blue Light Card, Blue Light Tickets allows venues, sports teams, attractions, festivals and concerts to give free tickets to NHS and/or Emergency Service staff to say thank you. Importantly, this is a free service for both the member and the organisations providing the free tickets!

Can 2 16 year olds stay in a hotel UK?

“Children under 16 are not permitted to stay in a Premier Inn hotel unless a parent or guardian is also staying in the hotel.” If there is damage to the room a person under 18 can not be held legally responsible. If anything happens to a person under 18 the hotel would be responsible and subject to prosecution.

Which is the best price finder for Travelodge?

TravelodgeProtect+ is our programme of cleaning and social distancing measures to keep everyone safe. With our new BEST PRICE FINDER you can find our cheapest prices at a glance.

Which is the best Travelodge to stay in the UK?

Hot deals in the UK. 1 Travelodge Durham. This Travelodge in the heart of the beautiful city of Durham is on the original site of the Durham goods train station, built in 2 Travelodge Halifax. 3 Travelodge Central Leeds Vicar Lane. 4 Travelodge Birmingham Fort Dunlop. 5 Travelodge Crewe.

How to use Travelodge code £10 on hotel bookings?

Voucher Code £10 off selected June and July Hotel Bookings at Travelodge Use voucher code SEE IT: Travelodge: £10 off stays at Travelodge this Valentines weekend with voucher code – Visit: Exclusive 15% off bookings at Travelodge. Just enter code at checkout – 10% off 2 night stay bookings at Travelodge.

Do you get 15% off when you stay at Travelodge?

Book your stay at least seven days in advance and you’ll get 15% off the Best Available Rate! By staying at Travelodge, you can earn Wyndham rewards points or airline miles. Plus, you’ll get free breakfast and high-speed internet. Win-win.