How many troops can an MTT carry?

The MTT could carry a company of 112 battle droids, comprising 100 infantry, 10 security droids, and 2 commanders, all of which were equipped with their standard blaster rifles.

What is a vulture droid?

The Variable Geometry Self-Propelled Battle Droid, Mark I, also known as the Vulture-class droid starfighter, or more simply as the vulture droid, was an unmanned model of droid starfighter manufactured by Haor Chall Engineering Corporation and utilized by the Trade Federation and later the Confederacy of Independent …

How many droids are in a landing craft?

The Encyclopedia of Starfighters and Other Vehicles also establishes that the C-9979 landing craft can carry up to 361 battle droids, while the 2019 source book Rise of the Separatists establishes that the C-9979 can carry up to 2,500 battle droids and droidekas, depending on its configuration.

What are B1 battle droids made of?

B1 battle droids would be manufactured by Baktoid Combat Automata and Baktoid Armor Workshop, and the latter would approach the Geonosians to build battle droids and other weapons. The Geonosians designed the B1 battle droids, and B1s were constructed in their droid foundries on Geonosis.

What does MTT stand for in Star Wars?

A terrifying display of Trade Federation efficiency, the mammoth MTT (Multi Troop Transport) is an armored giant capable of disgorging over a hundred battle droid soldiers into the thick of combat.

Is the MTT a droid?

Massive, lumbering, imposing vehicles, the 35.94 meter long and 10.45 meter tall MTT was considered a troop carrier, a tank, and a siege ram. These two pilot droids directed the vehicle according to the instructions received from a Lucrehulk-class Battleship.

Is hyena a bomber?

The Hyena-class bomber, also known simply as the Hyena droid bomber, Hyena Droid or Hyena bomber, was a droid bomber used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems as a heavy ordnance craft during the Clone Wars. The bomber saw service in different campaigns on planets such as Christophsis, Falleen and Ryloth.

How many droids can a Lucrehulk carry?

A Lucrehulk was able to carry 1,500 vulture droids which were also able to transform into a walking configuration. Begin landing your troops!

What happened to the trade federation?

During the Eriadu Conference, the Directors of the Trade Federation were killed by the Nebula Front. Gunray and his fellow Separatist Council members were betrayed by Sidious, who had them killed by Darth Vader at the end of the war, and the Trade Federation was nationalized by the newly-formed Galactic Empire.

How to play Multi troop in Star Wars?

Transport the droids into battle in the heavily-armored MTT! Open up this Multi-Troop Transport repulsorlift vehicle with hidden wheels to reveal a huge array of play functions. Pull down the side flaps and fire the spring-loaded shooters, flip the back hatch containing a STAP, and aim the front cannons.

What was the Multi troop transport in the Clone Wars?

The Multi-Troop Transport (MTT) was a heavily armored repulsorlift transport vehicle used by both the Trade Federation and the Confederacy of Independent Systems to transport B1 battle droids before and during the Clone Wars. During the Clone Wars, it was also used to transport B2 super battle droids .

How many battle droids are in the Multi troop transport?

Much of the interior was given over to the hydraulically-powered droid deployment rack, a long rotating assembly that carried a total of one hundred and twelve deactivated B1-series battle droids or twelve B2-series super battle droids.

What does a multi troop transport look like?

With its hulking forward hull, sloping front end, and small aft hull, the MTT had a vaguely elephantine silhouette. A small armored cockpit was mounted atop the towering hull, directly above a large, thick, circular hatch, where two OOM pilot battle droids served as the vehicle’s operators.