What are the 7 appendicular bones?

These are the femur, patella, tibia, fibula, tarsal bones, metatarsal bones, and phalanges. Embryologically, the appendicular skeleton arises from mesenchyme, a type of embryonic tissue that can differentiate into many types of tissues, including bone or muscle tissue.

What are axial and appendicular bones?

The 80 bones of the axial skeleton form the vertical axis of the body. They include the bones of the head, vertebral column, ribs and breastbone or sternum. The appendicular skeleton consists of 126 bones and includes the free appendages and their attachments to the axial skeleton.

Which bones are in the axial and appendicular skeleton?

Axial and Appendicular Skeletons The axial skeleton forms the central axis of the body and consists of the skull, vertebral column, and thoracic cage. The appendicular skeleton consists of the pectoral and pelvic girdles, the limb bones, and the bones of the hands and feet.

Is the sphenoid axial or appendicular?

The cranial bones, including the frontal, parietal, and sphenoid bones, cover the top of the head. The facial bones of the skull form the face and provide cavities for the eyes, nose, and mouth. Although it is not found in the skull, the hyoid bone is considered a component of the axial skeleton.

Is the skull axial or appendicular?

The axial skeleton includes the bones that form the skull, laryngeal skeleton, vertebral column, and thoracic cage. The bones of the appendicular skeleton (the limbs and girdles) “append” to the axial skeleton.

Are the Tarsals axial or appendicular?

Bones of the Appendicular skeleton: 2 pelvis bones. 8 bones in the legs (femur, tibia, patella, and fibula) 56 bones in the feet (tarsals, metatarsals, phalanges, and sesamoid)

Is the shoulder axial or appendicular?

The bones of the appendicular skeleton make up the rest of the skeleton, and are so called because they are appendages of the axial skeleton. The appendicular skeleton includes the bones of the shoulder girdle, the upper limbs, the pelvic girdle, and the lower limbs.

What are the major parts of the appendicular skeleton?

The appendicular skeleton includes the bones of the shoulder girdle, the upper limbs, the pelvic girdle, and the lower limbs.

What is appendicular bone?

The appendicular skeleton is one of two major bone groups in the body, the other being the axial skeleton. The appendicular skeleton is comprised of the upper and lower extremities, which include the shoulder girdle and pelvis.

Is Tarsals axial or appendicular?

What bones are considered part of the appendicular skeleton?

Appendicular Skeleton. The appendicular skeleton contains the bones of the pectoral girdle, upper limbs, pelvic girdle, and lower limbs. The pectoral girdle (shoulder girdle) contains four bones: two clavicles and two scapulae (Fig.

What are the bones that consist the appendicular system?

The bones of the appendicular skeleton make up the rest of the skeleton, and are so called because they are appendages of the axial skeleton. The appendicular skeleton includes the bones of the shoulder girdle, the upper limbs, the pelvic girdle, and the lower limbs .

What do bones belong to appendicularcular skeleton?

– bones in the hands (carpals 16, metacarpals 10, phalanges 28 and sesamoid 4) – pelvis bones – bones in the legs (femur, tibia, patella, and fibula)

How many bones does the the appendicular skeleton have?

The appendicular skeleton of 126 bones and the axial skeleton of 80 bones together form the complete skeleton of 206 bones in the human body. Unlike the axial skeleton, the appendicular skeleton is unfused.