Who was in power in Ireland in 2011?

The Government of the 31st Dáil or the 29th Government of Ireland (9 March 2011 – 6 May 2016) was the government of Ireland which was formed following the 2011 general election to Dáil Éireann on 25 February 2011. It was a coalition government of Fine Gael and the Labour Party led by Enda Kenny as Taoiseach.

Who was Taoiseach of Ireland in May 2011?

Following the resignation of Bertie Ahern, Brian Cowen became the 12th Taoiseach on 7 May, 2008, and served until 9 March, 2011.

Who was the prime minister of Ireland?

Micheál MartinSince 2020
Ireland/Prime minister
Incumbent. Micheál Martin No term limits are imposed on the office. The Taoiseach is the prime minister and head of government of Ireland.

Who was the previous Irish prime minister?

List of office-holders

No. Name (Birth–Death) Term of office
Time in office
14 Bertie Ahern (born 1951) 10 years, 315 days
15 Brian Cowen (born 1960) 2 years, 306 days
16 Enda Kenny (born 1951) 6 years, 97 days

Who was Taoiseach after Charlie Haughey?

Charles Haughey
President Patrick Hillery
Taoiseach Garret FitzGerald
Preceded by Garret FitzGerald
Succeeded by Garret FitzGerald

What is the difference between Tanaiste and Taoiseach?

The Tánaiste acts in the place of the Taoiseach during a temporary absence. In the event of the Taoiseach’s death or permanent incapacitation, the Tánaiste acts as Taoiseach until another is appointed. The Tánaiste is, ex officio, a member of the Council of State.

Has there ever been an Irish prime minister?

Lord Palmerston was the only Irish peer to serve as Prime Minister, thus leading from the House of Commons.

When did Micheal Martin become Taoiseach?

On 27 June 2020, Martin was elected as Taoiseach, in an historic coalition agreement that saw his party Fianna Fáil go into government with the Green Party and Fianna Fáil’s historical rivals, Fine Gael. A majority of 93 members of the Dáil voted in favour of him taking the role, while 63 members voted against him.

Who won Jamaica election in 2012?

Results. The People’s National Party secured a landslide victory by winning 151 divisions to the Jamaica Labour Party’s 75, in addition to the mayorship of Portmore.