Where is Vimrc file in Windows?

On Windows, when you start Vim normally, it *either* runs the file “C:\Documents and Settings\(user name)\_vimrc” (where “(user name)” is replaced by the actual user name); *or*, if that file doesn’t exist (it usually doesn’t, for most users), it runs the file “C:\Program Files\vim\_vimrc”.

Is there Vim for Windows?

Vim is a powerful code editor. So powerful that both Linux and Mac have it installed by default. But if you are using Windows as your operating system, you will need to install Vim separately. Fortunately, Microsoft makes it very easy to install Vim and get it running on your PC.

How do I install Gvim on Windows 10?


  1. To download Vim visit vim.org.
  2. Click on Download option from left pane.
  3. Click on PC – MS-DOS and MS-Windows option.
  4. Download .exe installer from this page. At the time of writing this tutorial installer name was gvim80.exe.
  5. Double click on installer and follow on screen instructions to complete installation.

How do I change Gvim settings?

3 Answers. You can use :set command to list all settings and put it to ${HOME}/. vimrc . :se[t] Show all options that differ from their default value.

How do I view a Vimrc file?

vimrc file. :e $MYVIMRC open & edit the current . vimrc that you are using, then use Ctrl + G to view the path in status bar.

How do I open Gvim files?

Using the Windows Open or Double-Click to open files in gvim tabs

  1. C:\Program Files\Vim\vim72\gvim.exe –remote-tab-silent “%1” if you want file to open in new tab.
  2. C:\Program Files\Vim\vim72\gvim.exe –remote-silent “%1” if you want to open file in new buffer.

What is Gvim editor?

gvim brings all the functionality, power, and features of Vim while adding the convenience and intuitive nature of a GUI environment. From traditional menus to visual highlighting editing, gvim provides the GUI experience today’s users expect.

Where can I install gvim on my computer?

gVim installation. You can download gVim from www.vim.org. In fact, right on the home page, you’ll find a link to download the Windows version. After downloading it, you can install it as usual in the C:Program Files (x86) directory, but it’s better to install it in your home directory.

How to download gvimfullscreen DLL without using Git?

You have to download DLL file gvimfullscreen.dll and put it in the same directory where gvim.exe is ($VIM/vim74 with gVim release 7.4). To download the DLL (without using git): Number of lines of the Vim window. […] When Vim is running in the GUI or in a resizable window, setting this option will cause the window size to be changed. [..]

What is the function of gvim in a script?

Gvim is very useful for creating or editing code scripts, it allows the recognition of syntax automatically or manually, highlighting the syntax depending on the nature of the code. This editor also has the function of conversion and deconversion in Hexadecimal.

Which is the graphical version of Vim for Windows?

Gvim is the graphical version of the vim which supports all vim features and adds extra GUI for vim usage. In this tutorial, we will learn how to download and install Gvim for different platforms like Windows, Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, CentOS, Fedora, RedHat.