Is iframe cross domain?

A cross domain inline frame (iframe) can be used to embed a small portion of one website within a larger “parent” page hosted on a different domain. An inline frame, often known as an iframe, is a feature of the HyperText Markup Language (HTML) that allows a small portion of one webpage to be displayed within another.

How can I get iframe content from another domain?

If you have an access to that domain/iframe that is loaded, then you can use window. postMessage to communicate between iframe and the main window. Read the DOM with JavaScript in iframe and send it via postMessage to the top window.

Can iframe embed a cross origin HTML file?

A page inside an iframe is not allowed to access or modify the DOM of its parent and vice-versa unless both have the same origin. So putting it in a different way: document or script loaded from one origin is prevented from getting or setting properties of a document from another origin.

Can iframes redirect?

Redirect the page containing your iframe embed The second option would be to redirect the page where you have your iframe embedded, known as the “parent” page. Modern browsers will prevent an iframe from changing the location of its parent page for security reasons.

How do I make my iframe secure?

Sounds good, so what could go wrong?

  1. Run any JavaScript, even if it would only affect contents of the iframe.
  2. Change the parent’s URL.
  3. Open pop-ups, new windows, or new tabs.
  4. Submit forms.
  5. Run plug-ins.
  6. Use pointer lock.
  7. Read cookies or local storage from the parent, even if it’s from the same origin.

What is contentWindow?

The contentWindow property returns the Window object of an HTMLIFrameElement. You can use this Window object to access the iframe’s document and its internal DOM. This attribute is read-only, but its properties can be manipulated like the global Window object.

Should I use embed or iframe?

In general, IFRAME is currently the most populat tag, and EMBED is supposedly being deprecated. The three tags can handle video, but here it is generally better to use the VIDEO tag, as the was created specifically for this particular use. You can read more about video on websites here.