What is IRM in dentistry?

If you have a rather large cavity, you can remove the bulk of the decay and place an “IRM” filling (Intermediate Restorative), also known as a sedative filling. This will often slow or stop the progression of decay and help the patient feel better.

What is IRM material?

Intermediate restorative material – IRM. IRM restorative is a polymer-reinforced zinc oxide-eugenol composition restorative material designed for intermediate restorations intended to remain in place for no longer than one year.

What is IRM in pediatric dentistry?

Intermediate restorative material (IRM), which is a reinforced zinc oxide eugenol, is used widely for the dressing of the pulpal floor following root canal filling in primary teeth [11–14].

Can IRM be used as a base?

IRM may also be used as a base under cements and restorative materials that do not contain resin components, such as amalgams, and inlays and onlays. Its strength properties approach those of zinc phosphate cement.

How do you use dental IRM?

To activate the IRM® Caps™, hold vertically, grasp bottom half and FIRMLY TIGHTEN the top (see Fig. 1). As top is tightened, you will feel a “snap” as the liquid is released. Continue tightening until you are sure it cannot be seated further.

Can you use IRM under composite?

Related to microhardness test, IRM can be used safely underneath composite restorations or GI restorations.

Is IRM zinc phosphate?

IRM may also be used as a base under cements and restorative materials that do not contain resin components, such as amalgams, and inlays and onlays. Its strength properties approach those of zinc phosphate cement. IRM has excellent abrasion resistance, good sealing properties and low solubility. H Hazardous item.

What is calcium hydroxide dental?

Calcium Hydroxide is used a cavity liner, cement base, root canal filling material, direct and indirect pulp capping material in restorative dentistry. This material also helps in the formation of reparative dentine.

What is sandwich technique in dentistry?

The sandwich technique is a specific strategy in restorative dentistry used for fillings. This is done instead of mixing the materials of the resin together before filling the cavity. An open sandwich refers to when the filling is located on one of the sides of the tooth and comes into contact with the oral cavity.

What is the use of calcium hydroxide in dentistry?

Calcium hydroxide may be used to preserve the vital pulp if infection and bleeding are controlled; to repair root fractures, perforations, open apices and root resorptions. Endo-perio lesions are complex and the correct diagnosis is essential if treatment is to be successful.

What is eugenol dental?

Eugenol is a non-irritating formula which suits the dental restoration purposes in several ways. Suggested as a solution in order to use with cement-retained implant restorations. Extra pure eugenol oil is used for the relief of insignificant dental pain and also to form sedative dentinal dressing with zinc oxide.

What does IRM stand for in dental terms?

IRM Temporary Filling Material. Sometimes we use this stuff called IRM, that stands for Intermediate Restorative Material. It was developed as a temporary filling material; used to buy time till the patient could have a proper, more permanent restoration.

What is the purpose of IRM intermediate restorative material?

IRM Intermediate Restorative material is designed for intermediate restorations intended to remain in place for up to one year. The eugenol content in the polymer-reinforced zinc oxide-eugenol composition gives the material sedative like qualities on hypersensitive tooth pulp and is a good thermal insulator as well.

When to put an IRM filling in a cavity?

If you have a rather large cavity, you can remove the bulk of the decay and place an “IRM” filling, also known as a sedative filling. This will often slow or stop the progression of decay and help the patient feel better.

What can IRM be used as a base for?

IRM may also be used as a base under cements and restorative materials that do not contain resin components, such as amalgams, and inlays and onlays. Its strength properties approach those of zinc phosphate cement. IRM has excellent abrasion resistance, good sealing properties and low solubility.