Is it safe to travel to Ambergris Caye Belize?

Mostly safe but with some troubled neighborhoods, Belize City is like any urban area, while Ambergris Caye is like an upscale suburb. Richer, friendlier and safer, it’s highly unlikely you’ll encounter trouble here. Ambergris Caye is very safe. It’s a great place to retire or to own a second home.

Is Ambergris Caye nice?

Ambergris Caye is one of the most popular destinations for visitors in all of Belize, and for good reason. It has some of the prettiest aquamarine water, with the second biggest barrier reef in the world. The island has three distinct parts, and only one town, San Pedro.

Is Ambergris Caye crowded?

On Ambergris Caye, you can expect a special event several times a week, and there are also three distinct neighborhoods to choose from. One common negative cited about Ambergris is that it can be busy and crowded—but you don’t have to live in town.

Is Ambergris Caye worth visiting?

Ambergris Caye is located near the beautiful Belize Barrier Reef. You can make amazing dives here, but it is also really nice to go snorkelling above the reef. There is a great variety of marine life. We saw dozens of sharks and many different rays while snorkelling at Shark Ray Alley.

How do you get around Ambergris Caye?

Ambergris Caye is a relatively small island, 26 miles long in total and a little over a mile wide. Getting around depends on where you are staying and what you want to do. Walking, bikes, golf carts cabs and water taxi are the main forms of transportation used.

What can you not bring to Belize?

Avoid Catastrophe: What Not to pack for your Belize Vacation

  • Firearms or ammunition. Belize has very strict gun control laws.
  • Diving Spear guns. Most diving businesses will provide diving spear guns for your use.
  • Drugs. Marijuana is still illegal to bring into Belize.
  • Beer. Bringing beer into Belize is illegal.