What should be the crossover for subwoofer?

The crossover frequency of your subwoofer is the frequency at which your speakers start to roll off and your subwoofer kicks in with LFEs and bass notes. The most common crossover frequency recommended (and the THX standard) is 80 Hz.

What is the best way to connect a subwoofer to a receiver?

Connect a subwoofer through the subwoofer output (SUB OUT or SUBWOOFER) of a receiver using an LFE cable. Connect using an RCA cable if there isn’t an LFE subwoofer output or LFE input. If the subwoofer features spring clips, use the speaker output of the receiver to hook it all up.

Does a crossover improve bass?

For subwoofers: the recommended crossover frequency is 80 Hz (low pass). This a good low-pass frequency that ensures the subwoofer bass is prioritized without including any midrange sounds. It is best for low-end bass.

Does lower crossover mean more bass?

The Crossover is steering higher frequencies away from the regular speaker, but the Subwoofer is not able to reproduce those frequencies. So the combined output from the regular speaker and the Subwoofer is lower than it should be at those in-between frequencies.

Do I need a crossover for my subwoofer?

While there are internal passive crossovers inside some PA speakers, you’ll need an active crossover to split signal to your subwoofer and mains. Most powered subwoofers include active crossovers, but they tend to be simple and feature a fixed crossover point (usually around 100Hz).

What should I set my crossover on my receiver?

80 Hz is a commonly recommended crossover setting because this is the generally accepted point at which it becomes difficult for humans to localize a sound. However, it takes a big driver, or lots of smaller drivers, to produce big bass.

Why does my receiver have two subwoofer outputs?

When a receiver has dual subwoofer outputs the two are typically duplicates of each other with a common internal connection. If they are independent, and you have only one subwoofer, then simply choose one of them and indicate in the receiver setup which one you have chosen to use.