How do you cite a CV?

To cite a rsum or curriculum vitae that composes a Web page, include the title of the Web page, the name of the Web site, and the URL. You may include a description of the type of source at the end.

How do you list a manuscript on a CV?

If listing a publication that is in press on your CV, include a copy of the acceptance letter from the publisher. Unpublished work includes those manuscripts that have been submitted for publication, are complete but have not been submitted, or that are in progress.

How do I write a CV for a university application?

Keep these considerations in mind to make your CV stand out:Focus on your academic background. Tailor your CV to the specific program and department to which you are applying. Use powerful language and include details. Tell your story through a clear structure. Volunteer work and internships matter.

What are good things to put on a CV?

What to put in your CVyour name and contact details.technical and personal, and community and volunteer experience.qualifications and education.referees (you can include referees or note that referees are available on request).

What should a 16 year old put on a CV?

If you’re like most 16-year-olds and you have no work experience, then do this. Write a list of your skills, strengths and experience. Focus on your education and any extra-curricular activities you participate in, such as sports. Highlight anything that would help you do well on the job you’re applying for.