How do you control Cercospora leaf spots?

Fungicides are available to manage Cercospora leaf spot. Many of the conventional products used to prevent black spot of roses will also protect against Cercospora leaf spot. These fungicides contain the active ingredient chlorothalonil (OrthoMax Garden Disease Control) and myclobutanil (Immunox).

How do you treat Cercospora leaf spots organically?

Start with certified, disease-free seed, or treat seed using hot water seed treatment method. Avoid fields with a known history of CLS. Rotate to non-host crops (outside of the Chenopodium family) for 2-3 years. Bury infected crop residues and destroy volunteer plants and weed hosts.

What is the best treatment for leaf spot?

Our top recommendation to control leaf spot is Patch Pro. This product contains the active ingredient propiconazole which works effectively to eliminate Leaf Spot and keeps it from spreading. It’s also cost-effective and one of our more affordable fungicides.

What kills Cercospora leaf spot?

There are some fungicides available to help manage Cercospora leaf spot. Products containing chlorothalonil, myclobutanil or thiophanate-methyl are most effective when applied prior to or at the first sign of leaf spots.

How does beetroot cure Cercospora leaf spots?

Bury infected crop residues and destroy volunteer plants and weed hosts. Start with certified, disease-free seed, or treat seed with hot water or fungicides. Rotate to non-host crops (outside of the Chenopodium family) for 2-3 years.

Does neem oil work on leaf spot?

Neem oil is going to be the most effective oil for controlling fungal infections. It is a good choice for mild to moderate powdery mildew infections, but doesn’t do much good for blight, leaf spot, or rust.

How does Cercospora spread?

Splashing water spreads Cercospora spores and allows them to take hold on a leaf. Irrigate the vegetable garden or landscape with drip irrigation to avoid wet leaves. Additionally, irrigate in the morning, so plants will not remain wet overnight. Cercospora requires 16 hours of moisture to reproduce.

What fungicide kills Cercospora?

What causes Cercospora leaf spot?

Cercospora leaf spot, caused by the fungus Cercospora beticola, occurs wherever table beets, swiss chard, sugar beet, and spinach are grown and is one of the most important diseases affecting the Chenopodium group.