Do you use quotation marks when referencing?

Use single quotation marks to indicate direct quotations and the definition of words. In quoted passages follow the original spelling, punctuation etc. Longer quotations should start on a separate line, with no quotation marks, and indented throughout. Do not italicize quotations.

How do you write quotation marks in Russian?

Two types of quotation marks are used in Russian typography. The first one is «ёлочки», which is used in more formal writing. The other one is „лапки“. When you have one quote inside another you can use both of them.

How do you cite quotation marks?

So, when creating a works cited reference, you will need to refer to the name of the article, short story, song, or poem, using quotations, within the parenthesis for the citation. Quotation marks may also be used when citing words that are used as definitions, special-case terms, or words with unusual spellings.

When Use single or double quotes?

If you are an American, using quotation marks could hardly be simpler: Use double quotation marks at all times unless quoting something within a quotation, when you use single. It’s different in the greater Anglosphere, where they generally use singles in books and doubles in newspapers.

How do you do double quotes on a keyboard?

Press-and-hold down the Option key and then press the curly parentheses { key found near the return key for the opening double quotation mark. Press-and-hold the Option and Shift key and then press the curly parentheses { key found near the return key for the closing double quotation mark.

Where are the quotes on a Russian keyboard?

The opening quotation mark is at alt/option plus shift on the same key (Russian layout).

How do you type guillemets?

To type the french guillemets on-the-fly, use Alt+174 for « and Alt+175 for ». The 174 and 175 needto be typed on the numpad and in this case is not prefixed by a zero (e.g. 0).