What is a UT weld inspection?

Ultrasonic Testing (UT) – This method of testing makes use of mechanical vibrations similar to sound waves but of higher frequency. A beam of ultrasonic energy is directed into the object to be tested.

What is ultrasonic test in welding?

Ultrasonic testing technology is based on the ability of high-frequency oscillations (about 20,000 Hz) to propagate into the metal and be reflected from surface scratches, voids, and other discontinuities.

What is ultrasonic inspection used for?

Ultrasonic testing (UT) is a non-destructive test method that utilizes sound waves to detect cracks and defects in parts and materials. It can also be used to determine a material’s thickness, such as measuring the wall thickness of a pipe.

How does UT inspection work?

Ultrasonic inspection uses a piezoelectrictransducer connected to a flaw detector, which in its most basic form is a pulser-receiver and oscilloscope display. The transducer is passed over the object being inspected, which is typically coupled to the test object by gel, oil or water.

What are three types of ultrasonic inspection methods?

There are three basic ultrasonic inspection methods: pulse echo, through transmission, and resonance. Through transmission and pulse echo are shown in Figure 10-19. Figure 10-19. Through-transmission and pulse echo indications.

Is ultrasonic testing accurate?

Access to only one side is required, unlike measurement with mechanical thickness tools like calipers and micrometers. There are no potential health hazards associated with ultrasonic testing, unlike radiography. When a test has been properly set up, results are highly repeatable and reliable.

How does ultrasonic weld testing work?

At a construction site, a technician tests a pipeline weld for defects using an ultrasonic phased array instrument. The scanner, which consists of a frame with magnetic wheels, holds the probe in contact with the pipe by a spring. The wet area is the ultrasonic couplant that allows the sound to pass into the pipe wall.

How accurate is ultrasonic testing?

Under optimum conditions, commercial ultrasonic gages can achieve a level of accuracy as high as ±0.001 mm (0.00004 in.) and ±0.025 mm (0.001 in.) or higher in most common engineering materials.

What is the maximum thickness for ultrasonic testing?

Conventional ultrasonic testing (according to BS EN ISO 17640) (1) limits thicknesses that can be examined to less than 8mm. Similarly, the draft phased array standard BS EN 13588 (2) goes down to 6mm.

What is MT and PT in NDT?

Magnetic Particle Testing (MT) Penetrant Testing (PT) Radiography of welds (RT)