What is the hardest ab exercise?

The 7 Hardest Ab Exercises

  1. Dragon Flag. Lie faceup on a bench and grab the bench next to your ears so that your elbows are bent and your upper arms are next to your head.
  2. Cross-Climber With Feet on Swiss Ball.
  3. Medicine-Ball V-Up.
  4. Standing Barbell Rollout.
  5. Swiss-Ball Jackknife With Push-Up.
  6. Front Lever.
  7. Turkish Get-Up.

Does P90X3 have Ab Ripper?

* P90X3 Ab Ripper is not in the P90X3 base kit of videos. You’ll need the P90X3 Deluxe Kit or a membership to Beachbody on Demand to find this routine.

What is the single best exercise for abs?

The Best Ab Exercises, According to Science

  1. Do crunches—the right way. The resounding ab winner in the muscle-activation studies is, in fact, the standard crunch.
  2. Bicycle crunches are good, too.
  3. Visit the captain’s chair.
  4. And do your planks, too.
  5. Stop trying to target your “lower” abs.

How many days a week is P90X3?

The P90X3 workouts are six days a week for half an hour at a time for ninety days straight, which may seem like a lot but when you think about it it’s only three hours of exercise a week which is nothing really.

How many core exercises are in AB Ripper X?

The Ab Ripper X is a 15 minute workout, made up of 11* core exercises. Each of the core exercises requires that you complete 25 repetitions. This may not sound all that bad, but if you add it all up, you are essentially completing 275 repetitions of core exercises in total.

How long is the AB Ripper X P90X workout?

P90X Ab Ripper X For the better part of this P90X blog (so far), I’ve skipped over the Ab Ripper X workout. The Ab Ripper X is a 15 minute workout, made up of 11* core exercises. Each of the core exercises requires that you complete 25 repetitions.

How to do oblique V-ups with AB Ripper X?

Oblique v-ups. Lie on your side with your legs at a forty-five degree angle. Place your bottom arm on the ground to stabilize yourself and your top arm behind your head. Balance on your hips and bring your legs toward your chest and your top elbow toward your knees.

How to do fifer scissor AB Ripper X?

This is a lot like the Fifer scissor exercise from the first Ab Ripper X workout, but with an added upper-body component. Lie on your back with your right leg raised and kept straight, and your left leg hovering above the ground. Reach your left hand to your right leg in a twisting motion.