What was the ending of Jane Eyre?

At the end of her story, Jane writes that she has been married for ten blissful years and that she and Rochester enjoy perfect equality in their life together. She says that after two years of blindness, Rochester regained sight in one eye and was able to behold their first son at his birth.

Do Jane and Mr Rochester end up together?

When Jane assures him of her love and tells him that she will never leave him, Mr. Rochester proposes again, and they are married. They live together in an old house in the woods called Ferndean Manor. Rochester regains sight in one eye two years after his and Jane’s marriage, and he sees their newborn son.

Is the end of Jane Eyre ironic?

It is ironic in a larger sense that Jane ends up the happiest and most successful of the children in the Reed household when she was the one abused and constantly told she was worthless.

What makes Jane Eyre happy?

Jane becomes homeless and finds refuge at the Rivers’ home. When it is revealed they are Jane’s cousins, she offers them a portion of her newly inherited fortune, thus ensuring their happiness.

Does Rochester really love Jane?

The relationship between Jane Eyre and Edward Fairfax Rochester plays a major part in the novel of Jane Eyre, as Rochester turns out to be the love of Jane’s life. At first she finds him rather impolite and cold-hearted, but soon they become kindred souls.

Why did Jane Eyre choose to marry Mr Rochester at the end of the novel?

Jane marries Rochester because she views him as her emotional home. From the start of the novel, Jane struggles to find people she can connect with emotionally. Another possible reason for their marriage is that Jane’s newfound independence and maturity allow her to follow her heart on her own terms.

Why does Rochester call Jane Eyre Janet?

Rochester’s pet name for Jane, a way of expressing his affection for her. Rochester calls Jane “Janet” in an attempt to alienate Jane from her “plain” persona. It’s a fact that Jane enjoys simplicity; however, Jane is only plain in her style and appearance.