Do switch statements work with strings Java?

Yes, we can use a switch statement with Strings in Java. It is recommended to use String values in a switch statement if the data you are dealing with is also Strings. The expression in the switch cases must not be null else, a NullPointerException is thrown (Run-time).

Can you switch a String?

One of the new features added in Java 7 is the capability to switch on a String. The switch statement when used with a String uses the equals() method to compare the given expression to each value in the case statement and is therefore case-sensitive and will throw a NullPointerException if the expression is null.

How do you put a String in a switch case?

String in Switch Statement Example 1

  1. public class StringInSwitchStatementExample {
  2. public static void main(String[] args) {
  3. String game = “Cricket”;
  4. switch(game){
  5. case “Hockey”:
  6. System.out.println(“Let’s play Hockey”);
  7. break;
  8. case “Cricket”:

How are switch cases implemented in Java?

Some Important rules for switch statements : The value for a case must be of the same data type as the variable in the switch. The value for a case must be a constant or a literal. Variables are not allowed. The break statement is used inside the switch to terminate a statement sequence.

Can we use a switch statement to switch on Strings Yes No?

Can we use a switch statement to switch on strings? Explanation: The cases in a switch must either have integer constants or constant expressions. 3.

Can we use a switch statement to switch on Strings Mcq?

Explanation: You can not use CONTINUE; statement as SWITCH is not a LOOP like for, while and do while. You can not use float, double or Strings inside Switch or Switch CASE.

What are the parts of a switch in Java?

Answer: The Java switch expression must be of byte, short, int, long (with its Wrapper type), enums and string. Each case statement can have a break statement which is optional. When control reaches to the break statement, it jumps the control after the switch expression.

Does Java switch Use equal?

Luckily, the switch operator uses the equals() method under the hood.

How do you input a string in Java?

Example of nextLine() method

  1. import java.util.*;
  2. class UserInputDemo1.
  3. {
  4. public static void main(String[] args)
  5. {
  6. Scanner sc= new Scanner(; // is a standard input stream.
  7. System.out.print(“Enter a string: “);
  8. String str= sc.nextLine(); //reads string.

Can we use string in Switch Case C?

Beginning with JDK 7, we can use a string literal/constant to control a switch statement, which is not possible in C/C++. Using a string-based switch is an improvement over using the equivalent sequence of if/else statements. Important Points: Attention reader!

How to use string class in Java switch case statement?

Java switch case with string Java program to use String class in switch case statements. Program Output. 2. Java switch case handle multiple conditions Sometimes, we want to perform certain action on multiple cases in switch statement.

How to make a switch statement in Java?

// switch statement switch (expression) { // case statements // values must be of same type of expression case value1 : // Statements break; // break is optional case value2 : // Statements break; // break is optional // We can have any number of case statements // below is default statement, used when none of the cases is true.

Can you use a string in Java switch?

String in Switch Statement. In Java 7, Java allows you to use string objects in the expression of switch statement. In order to use string, you need to consider the following points: It must be only string object. String object is case sensitive.

How to use switch statement in stringswitchdemo?

In order for the StringSwitchDemo example to accept any month regardless of case, month is converted to lowercase (with the toLowerCase method), and all the strings associated with the case labels are in lowercase. Note: This example checks if the expression in the switch statement is null.